No, this girl...may not be as good as it!

"Aunt, I won't go."

Xiao Linger grabbed the hand of Emperor Xiaoyun hard: "Uncle Uncle has left, I can't leave my aunt to leave."

"Linger, my aunt is fine, you have to believe in your aunt," Emperor Xiaoyun took back the murderous body, lowered his eyes, smiled and calmed the little milk buns in front of him. "Aunt is avenging the national teacher." I am afraid that I will be too ferocious later, so I don’t want Linger and see this scene every day. Can you understand?"

Xiaoling's little face with pale light: "Aunt, I am not a three-year-old child, you don't want to deceive me, I... I am super smart!"

Emperor Xiaoyun stunned, helpless smile.

I don't know if this child is so smart, is it a good thing or a bad thing...

"Then you go to the side, I am afraid that fighting will hurt you later."

After Emperor Xiaoyun said this, he had already hugged Xiao Linger, gently kissed her on her little face, and placed her in Huang Xiaoying's arms.

"Xiao Ying, take her away!"

Huang Xiaoying rushed to take the little Linger, and she looked back at the Emperor Xiaoyun, tears could not help but flow out.

She lifted her back and wiped the tears from her eyes: "Princess, you have to come back alive, we are friends who have known for many years, I don't want to lose you."

Do not look at the two of them often quarrel in the demon world, and Huang Xiaoying does not give this princess face, but ... it is normal to play and play between friends, will not hurt the feelings.

and so……

In this demon world, it is estimated that they are also the only friends who can really meet each other.

Emperor Xiaoyun's back to the person behind him, his body slightly stiff, she gently closed her eyes, for a long time, only to open.

"I haven’t avenged my national teacher, how can I die?"

Emperor Xiaoyun sneered and screamed, and the storm of the whole body rushed out. Three thousand blue silks rose in the wind, reflecting the beautiful little face.


Xiao Linger struggled in the arms of Huang Xiaoying, and her tears filled her finally could not help but shed again.

If she didn't exhaust her power, maybe she could get rid of Huang Xiaoying's imprisonment, but her current body is very weak and she can't break free from her arms.

Looking at the back of Emperor Xiaoyun's resolute, her little heart was like a punch, and her tears couldn't stop flowing.

"Ah! Oh, you big bastard, don't hurt my aunt! Why? Why are you always looking for trouble in the demon world? You have not killed Uncle Uncle, why are you still hurting my aunt? My aunt has lost my uncle. It’s very painful, you don’t want to bully her, don’t allow!!!”

The little Linger’s crisp voice was with a crash, and her tears covered her cheeks.

Vaguely, there was a cluster of flames in her eyes, and the flames burned more and more in her eyes, as if there was a meaning to rush out...

Seeing Huang Xiaoying want to leave with a small Linger, Ji Qingge also rushed to pull every day.

But when her hand was about to reach every day, she suddenly escaped and rushed to the front of Xiaoling.

"Little sister, you put down your sister, my sister is not willing to go, she is crying!"

Every day, she pushed Huang Xiaoying away and grabbed Xiao Linger from Huang Xiaoying's arms. His little body couldn't catch the little Linger. He hurriedly blocked the body with the flesh and let Xiaolinger fall on him. .

"My sister is crying, no one can let my sister cry!"

Every day, the voice of the day has become domineering. He supported the little Linger’s body and stood up from the ground. The little hand kept tearing her tears.

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