Adorable Treasured Fox: Divine Doctor Mother Overturning The Heavens!

Vol 3 Chapter 2048: Crisis in the field of inflammation (10)

Emperor Cang... Is he back?

The cold eyes of the young man were taken back from the body of Emperor Cang, and his figure was hidden in the dark night and gradually disappeared.

At this time everyone's eyes were on Tianyan's body, and naturally no teenagers were found to leave.

It is estimated that even if it is discovered, no one will care too much...

Because the temper of the field of heaven is like this, no one will go without a trace, no one will know his whereabouts, even if he comes and then quietly leave, it is normal.

Tianyan stood in front of Lingyuan, staring coldly and staring at the people in front of him, with a cold color in his voice.

"If you dare to mess with the field of my inflammation, then today, everyone should not want to leave!"

Losing the lightning attack, Lingyuan’s line of sight gradually became clear. He wanted to get up with his huge body, but... just as he raised his eyes, a familiar figure came from afar, and suddenly Fall into his eyes...

Lingyuan’s eyes suddenly tightened, and the man who looked at the purple gown was involuntarily. The tears fell from his eyes like pearls, and his throat was sobbing.

Family... patriarch... He is back?

No, no, the current demon seems to have been renamed the demon world, that is to say... the patriarch of that year has now become the king of the demon world...

But why... will he appear here?

"Lingyuan, you can rest assured that Ninger is safe now, my daughter is taking care of him."

Tian Yan smiled.

If Ninger has the care of Yan'er, he will be able to come back with peace of mind. Otherwise, how can he leave his beloved woman?

Even if the field of inflammation is really over, he can't leave her.

The heart of Lingyuan’s tightness was put down, and his gentle scorpion fell on the Emperor’s body, and he could no longer move away...


Emperor Cang apparently did not know him. The cool gaze was only swept away from him, and he had already received it.

His gaze looked at the enemies scattered all over the void.

"Father, how many people are there in these areas?"

father in law?

Because of this claim, Lingyuan screamed, and the arrogant king of the year, now... has become the son-in-law of others?

He is silent.

At first, I met Bai Ning. He only thought it was a coincidence. Now it seems that everything is destined.

He surrendered to Bai Ning’s daughter, and it was also a matter of meditation...

Thinking of this, the heart of Lingyuan is bitter, but this bitterness has been shocked by the joy of seeing Emperor Cang.

"It is estimated that there are a hundred," Tian Yan said, picking the lips and saying, "I have already killed ten lords, and there are still more than 90 left. In addition, there are many fields, and there are still hundreds of lords. I didn’t participate in watching the movie..."

These lords are all from a thousand years ago.

In the age of the strong people thousands of years ago, it was normal for hundreds of thousands of people to break through to the lord.


Since the two true gods left, no one has ever broken through to the realm of the lord. Therefore, for those in the realm of the gods, the lord is only a legendary existence.

After all, in the realm of the gods, the mysterious gods are only dozens of districts, let alone the strong at the lord level?

They can only see the legend about the lord in the book...

As for seeing them... it is impossible in this life.

"Ninety?" Emperor Cang's eyes swept through those people's bodies, and his lips rose. "Father, you have to go to the side for a while, these people... I will solve it."

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