Adorable Treasured Fox: Divine Doctor Mother Overturning The Heavens!

Vol 3 Chapter 2058: The establishment of the Chinese field (10)


Bai Xiaochen’s little face finally smiled. He once again licked Xiaolong’s little head: “You can’t be too close to Xiaomo, you know?”


Xiao Longer looked at Bai Xiaochen confusedly. Is it something wrong with Xiao Mo, is the Prince’s brother abandoning him?

“You didn’t hate pigs before? Especially pink pigs?”

"But... then I feel that Xiaomo is very cute and very cute. He is still very flattering."

Xiaomo is so embarrassed, how can the Prince’s brother dislike him?

Does it feel that Xiaomo is too ugly?

Also... the little guy has grown like a child who has just walked for so many years, never ever grows a centimeter higher, plus he has always worn a dudou, so... the elder brother doesn’t like him. of.

"Prince brother, you can't take people by appearance," Xiao Longer's little face is serious. "Small ink is ugly, but his heart is very kind. How can you dislike him? He is ugly and not His fault, he is born with this look, can you blame him?"


Not far away, the little ink that is dozing off can't help but sneeze.

He licked his nose with a chubby little hand. How do you always feel that someone is screaming at him?


In the room, Bai Xiaochen looked at Xiaolonger stunnedly. He pondered for a moment and finally got an answer.

It turns out that he has always liked this little ink because he is ugly?

But not right, Wang Xiaopeng is more ugly than Xiaomo. Why does he like Wang Xiaopang so much?

"Prince brother!" Xiaolonger saw Bai Xiaochen didn't listen to him, his mind was still swimming, and he was screaming and screaming. "Are you really abandoning him because Xiaomo is ugly?"

"In any case, you can't be too close to him, you have to keep a distance."

Bai Xiaochen said that he was overbearing.

Xiaolong was discouraged. She bit her finger: "Well, I can keep a little distance from Xiaomo?"

In the past, Xiaomo always liked to lie on him, and in the future she let him stand on the ground and play with her.

This way... she is equal to his rejection, and the brother-in-law will not be unhappy.

She doesn't want her brother to be unhappy...

Bai Xiaochen smiled and opened her mouth. She raised her hand and pinched the small link of Xiaolonger's pink powder. Then she lowered her head and kissed the little girl's white and smooth forehead.

"Little Dragon, you have to remember that you promised me, I will go back to rest first, and you will have a rest early. You and my aunt are outside these years, and you will definitely suffer a lot of grievances..."

These two people, one is silly and sweet, one is still a little girl, I really don't know why they are going out, and they must have been aggrieved. Otherwise, they will not be so powerful.

At the thought of this, Bai Xiaochen felt a little uncomfortable.

The only thing that made her happy was that the little dragons and the stupid white sweets Xiaoyun came back safely. The two girls went out and didn’t even be deceived...

He also thought that his aunt would be deceived and replaced the number of people, with a little dragon.

Therefore, when I heard that Xiao Xiaoyun and Xiaolonger left, his heart was very uneasy. If the mother said that they would definitely come back safely, I am afraid... he wanted to go out and find them.

Later, the mother and the father also left, and he forced the Suzaku's whereabouts, and from the mouth of the Suzaku, they went out to find the father and mother...

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