Adorable Treasured Fox: Divine Doctor Mother Overturning The Heavens!

Vol 3 Chapter 2059: The establishment of the Chinese field (11)

Xiao Longer stood in the house and looked at the white Xiaochen gradually disappearing into the shadows in the darkness. Her original bright big eyes gradually faded and gently rubbed her lips.

But she did not tell Bai Xiaochen, she walked slowly to the bed, closed her eyes and kept her eyes.


The demon world, since the initial melee, has returned to peace.

Fortunately, Xiaolonger came back in time, and the people in the dust and frost field had not had time to do it with other people in the demon world. This made the demon world have no loss.

Even so, everyone understands that the demon world will not be too flat for a long time, and the real war is coming.

For a time, the beasts in the demon world have been rehabilitated, and the strength has also entered the retreat. They are all preparing for the coming battle...

At the same time, Bai Yan is also the power of the lord, opening up a field in the sky above the gods.

The beginning of the field is ridiculous, and the grass is not born, let alone the house trees, and it no longer exists.

Therefore, after only opening up the field, Bai Yan left the Chinese field, but went to the direction of the demon world...

"Nanny pro!!!"

Far away, Bai Xiaochen saw the figure that came with him. His big eyes lit up and rushed to Bai Yan and rushed into her arms.

"Mother, are you coming back?"

Emperor Cang's face was overcast, and the cold-looking look of Bai Xiaochen, who was holding his white chest, kept restraining himself, only to resist the urge to throw this little guy out.

"Bai Xiaochen, how old are you, still so spoiled? Is it so entangled with your mother, still not like my demon king?"

Bai Xiaochen still did not loosen the white face, he smiled and turned to the Emperor Cang: "You are the king of the demon world, all day and night wrapped around my mother."

Emperor Cang's face is even darker: "She is your mother, but it is my wife, so if you want to wrap it, go around your wife, don't come and grab a woman with me."

"I don't want a wife, I just want to kiss my sister."

Bai Xiaochen licked his mouth, he did not want to marry him. In his heart, the mother is the most important, and the two sisters are second.

Can a wife be like a mother and sister?

Emperor Cang finally couldn't control his own temper, raised his hand and grabbed the clothes of Bai Xiaochen, and smashed her up and threw it to the emperor Xiaoyun who followed.

"You look at this little guy," Emperor Cang snorted, his eyes falling on the chest of Bai Yan. "My wife's chest... only I can touch."

The face of Bai Yan has changed, and he stepped on the foot of Emperor Cang: "What do you say in front of the child?"

The emperor snorted and screamed, and Bai Yan was in the arms.

"I just told the truth... The stinky boy and I robbed the woman every day, and then, I immediately helped him find a wife."

Bai Xiaochen was shocked. He turned to tears and turned to Emperor Xiaoyun.

"Aunt, am I a father?"

Emperor Xiaoyun’s mouth is pumping: “No, you are the next king.”

"It turns out that it is no wonder that the father will like to be jealous with his son." Bai Xiaochen nodded seriously.

During the time, the eyes of Emperor Cang Yin smashed over and scared the emperor Xiaoyun’s body and his legs were screaming.

"Wang... Wang brother... I am making a joke, I am just joking."

The Emperor's sky rises from the phoenix, and the sound is cool and sinister: "Emperor Xiaoyun, I have been good to you for a few days, have you started to itch and find it?"

"Wang Xiong," Emperor Xiaoyun was really scared and cried. "I really just made a joke with you. I know it is wrong."

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