The reason why he hated the Emperor Cang, because the frost was killed by the Emperor Cang, the second is that ... all his relatives and tribes were also lost in the battle with the Emperor Cang.

To this end, he is the only remaining blue fox, only to rebel against the demon world, and to the demon world ... hate into the bones.

As a result, this girl is also a member of the Blue Fox family...

I don't know why, the more I saw this girl, the more I felt like a pity, and he never had this feeling.

Except for the frost, no one has ever made him an impulse to pity...

"where is your family?"

Ye Hao's voice was as gentle as possible, asked.

In the moment when his voice fell, those who followed the field were stunned...

Everyone knows that the lord loves Yun girl, but in front of the lord, Yun girl never enjoyed his gentle tone.

Why are you now facing a strange girl...

"I don't have a mother."

Liu Yexin looked up at Ye Lanche: "My mother is dead, everyone is dead, only one is left."

She has no mother.

After Liu Chenshuang personally wanted to solve her, and she secretly dropped her, she never had a mother again.

"What's your name?"

"Liu night heart..."

Liu Yexin?

Ye Lan's heart jumped a bit.

This girl name is Liu? Also from the blue fox family?

It’s hard to be...

Do not! impossible!

He was only a night of dew love with Frost, and it is impossible to have children so easily.

Moreover, it has been going on for thousands of years. Now... this girl is not only 16:68, how could it be his child?

"Hey, you are my family, it is better to go back with me, I will take care of you."

He and the girl are related, and the girl also raised a desire to protect, involuntarily... He wanted to bring her back.

Liu Yexin licked his lips: "I am a waste, it is a stupid girl."

"Ha ha ha!" Ye Haoqi laughed a few times. "I can't afford a **** in the dust field. Whether you are a waste or a fool, I will take you back. In addition, I think you look normal. Not as silly as you said."

In the field of dust and frost?

Liu Yexin’s heart suddenly rises, why is the name of this field... so similar to that woman?

However, because she had already planned to bid farewell to the past, Liu Yexin did not raise doubts, and she licked her lips.

"I used to be a stupid girl, but... my mother died, so I grew up overnight."

"No problem, you don't have a mother, I will take care of you instead of your mother," Ye Lanqi slowly turned his head and looked at the people behind him. "In the future, the night heart is the lady in our dust field. No one can be disrespectful to her." ""

"Yes, the lord."

Everyone was amazed. They didn’t understand why the lord would be so friendly to a girl who met for the first time.

Moreover, this little girl is obviously malnourished, and it is not very beautiful. If the lord looks at her... it is impossible.

However, no matter how many doubts in their hearts, they are very clever and do not ask for an exit, just remember Ye Xie's words in mind.

Ye Xiaoche’s face is smiling. This time, she came to the demon world, and she did not receive the goods. At least she returned a little girl...


When the lord went out, he brought back a girl's business and instantly spread it throughout the lord's house.

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