"Master, then he is..."

"He called Tian Yan. I once saw him once. Later, the field was sealed. I couldn't see him again, and those people called her a wife, that is, the woman is the wife of Tianyan?"

Liu Chenshuang smiled coldly: "So, it is very simple to find Bai Yan and Emperor Cang. We can find him as long as we find the woman."

I really didn't expect that Bai Yan would be the daughter of Tian Yan... Hey, she still appreciated Tian Yan that year, and she did not expect Tian Yan's daughter to steal the Emperor Cang.

In this way, it proves that she and Tian Yan are bound to be inconsistent...

"And..." Liu Chenshuang raised his eyes and continued. "Look at the situation, Tianyan is dead. Now the body is destroyed by me. There is no lord in the field of inflammation. You can be the master. You are now with me. Going to the field of inflammation, I will see the woman again."

"Yes, Master."

Mo Xinyan replied with respect and respect.

Dropping this, Liu Chenshuang once again looked at the ridiculous demon world, turned around, and the body floated into the sky, and then disappeared like the same wind.

Just after Liu Chenshuang had gone, the girl with a burlap walked slowly into the peak of the demon world.

The girl’s face did not have the initial stupidity, and her eyes were filled with emotions that people could not understand.

The breeze passed, and the burlap shirt rose in the wind.

She does not have the momentum of Liu Chenshuang, and it is not as delicate as Mo Xinyan, but that burlap shirt is also a cover that can't cover a girl's delicate face.

"Why... to abandon me?"

The girl slowly closed her eyes, her face showing painful color.


In this world, the person she relied most on, in the end, but left without a word, abandoned her?

But she followed her breath and found it here, still... I couldn't find them.

"Since then, I have no sister and no mother..."

Daddy, the girl opened her eyes, the stupid color on her face has long since disappeared, and the indifference has no expression.

Just then, there was a voice in the sky.

"The lords, those in the demon world seem to be running out, leaving only one... girl?"

The girl glimpsed, slowly raising her head. In an instant, a handsome face was reflected in her eyes.

Her eyes crossed the doubtful color, always felt that the man in front... seems familiar?

"Well? People in the demon world?" Ye Lanche walked down from the void. His cold eyes fell on the girl's delicate face, and his brows wrinkled. "Where did the other people in the demon world go?" ”

He was originally waiting for the recovery of the injury, and then came to the Emperor Cang to avenge, who knows that after he appeared, the demon people... are missing?

Only one girl who does not seem to have any strength.

Was she left behind by the demon world?

"I do not know."

The girl licked her lips and she shook her head and said.

Ye Lan's line of vision once again firmly locked the girl, his eyes through the girl's eyes, saw the body hidden under the human body, and the light suddenly jumped.

"The Blue Fox people? It is impossible. The Blue Fox people should only have me. When the Emperor Cang killed her, I mobilized the people to find the Emperor Cang. In that stop, the Blue Fox people were all in the army. After the annihilation, my loved ones have also been killed in the battlefield. It is impossible to have a Blue Fox family!"

Ye Yuqi hated to bite his teeth.

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