Ye Yiche sneaked and said in a hurry: "Well, I don't move my hands, frost, don't be angry, as long as you come back, you can say anything..."

"First," Liu Chenshuang approached Ye Lanqi two steps. "I am not a frost. Second, I don't know you at all. I don't know what you are saying. It must be that you admit the wrong person."

I don't know you at all...

The woman's voice is like a thorn, and the shackles are tied in Ye's heart, making his heart feel like a heartbreaking pain.

Frost said she said...

She doesn't know him?


A sweet voice came from the front.

Not a moment, the girl in the pink skirt has already walked over from the front. Her pretty and gazing eyes looked at Liu Chenshuang, and she looked at Ye Lanche and smiled softly: "Master, who is this?"

Liu Chen cream face expressionless: "A madman, I don't know him."


Mo Xinyan looked at Ye Xiaoche up and down, and the shallow smile made a sound.

The man’s strength is very strong, the kind of pressure... He has only seen it in Emperor Cang and Master.

It can be seen that this man must be a strong man in the realm of the lord.

As a lord, how can it go crazy? Therefore, Mo Xinyan can conclude that this man must have something to do with Master...

However, for the matter of Liu Chenshuang, Mo Xinyan did not dare to ask, she could only stand behind the back of Liu Chenshuang, her eyes full of curiosity.

I don't know why, for this girl in pink dress, Ye Lanche does not have any good feelings. Her eyes are too calculated, which makes him feel very unhappy.

But this girl called Frost as Master, and that must be her disciple.

Looking at the face of Frost, he will also give this girl a thin face...

"Frost, do you know that since you left, I have named my field as a dusty field, to pay homage to your existence, the garden of the scorpion that you planted by hand, and I will often check it out. By the way, Huatian is a forbidden place in my dust and frost field. I am never going to let people go except for myself. I am afraid they will invade you."

Ye Lanche went into the two steps in front of Liu Chenshuang. His eyes were full of affection.

"Frost, I know that you have cleansing, I have never forgotten it. Before I thought that you were dead, I put your coat of arms into the sea of ​​flowers, so that you can dance in the sea of ​​flowers every day... ..."

Every time I say a word with Ye Yuche, the heart of Liu Chenshuang will beat a point.

She clenched her fists and took a deep breath to suppress the sorrow and unwillingness of her heart.

Why... Why is Ye Yuche not Emperor Cang? If he is Emperor Cang, how happy she should be?


He is not her after all, she is impossible to fall in love with him in this life...


Suddenly, Liu Chenshuang’s anger broke Ye Xie’s words. Her face was cold and angry. “Ye Ye Che, if you really love me, why didn’t you help me? You know that I like it. Emperor Cang, you never helped me? Do you think that you will be grateful to you for doing this? No, I will never forgive you, because you ruined my innocence!"

Ye Qi's face was white, and he looked at Liu Chenshuang in a wrong way, his eyes filled with shock.

"Frost, how come you..."

How could it be like this?

The frost of that year, so kind and pure, he said that she would get the Emperor Cang for her, but she claimed that she would be willing to be her wife only if she was willing to fall in love with her.

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