
Everyone slammed back, fearing that they would stay for a while, and the lord would vent their anger on their heads.

Everyone left for a moment, leaving only Ye Yiche, standing in the mountains of the gods.

His fist was tightly held, his forehead was blue and violent, and his face was angry: "Fros, you can rest assured, I will find those people, revenge for you!"

No one can stop the destruction of the demon world.

Emperor Cang must die!

at this time……

A figure in front of him suddenly came into the eye of Ye Yuche.

Ye Lan's body suddenly froze, and he looked incredulously at the face that was slightly sideways, and his heart beat with this moment.


Impossible, the frost is dead...

How could that woman be a frost?

The woman in front of her was not aware of Ye Lan's gaze. She turned her face over, and she wore a white dress and floated like a fairy. When she walked, the dress was so bright and beautiful.

Even if it was a side face, Ye Yuche saw the woman's appearance.


so similar!

How can someone in this world be so similar to Frost?

Seeing that the woman is about to leave, Ye Lanche can no longer control the foot, quickly chasing the woman in front.

As the woman walked faster and faster, her footsteps did not stop. Even so, Ye Lanche had already caught up with the woman behind her, and held her shoulder tightly.

At that moment, Liu Chenshuang’s body froze, and she bit her lip in her death, and there was a sigh of disgust and anger in her eyes, which was then suppressed by her.


Why is she meeting Ye Lanche here?

This man violated her body, and she was pregnant with wild seeds. She would not forgive him in her life...


There was a whisper from the man behind him. The voice was full of excitement and joy, and there was a hint of coziness.

He was afraid, he was afraid that he would look at his own eyes, and the woman in front of him was not the woman who made him think about his dreams.

After hearing the man’s voice, the woman in front finally turned his head slowly...

For a moment, the man saw the face of the woman.

The woman's appearance is exquisite, and her eyes are no longer like a deer-like water spirit thousands of years ago, with endless frost.

This is the case, he can recognize at a glance, she is a frost!

"Frost... Really... Really you? You are not dead? Great..."

Tears involuntarily covered the man's face, he wiped his back with his back, his lips raised his smile, his eyes were reluctant to remove from the woman's body.

Liu Chenshui stepped back two steps toward the back and opened his hand on her shoulder.

Ye Qi's palm was stiff in the air, but he didn't mind, and walked in front of Liu Chenshuang again.

"Frost, can I go back with me? I will protect you. I will not let the people in the demon world bully you. In the future, I will attack the demon world. I will be the king of the demon world. How do you do after the demon world?"

There are endless cold in the eyes of Liu Chenshuang: "You admit the wrong person... I am not a frost."

"No!" Ye Xiaoche's voice was shaking. He reached out and wanted to hold Liu Chenshuang's hand. "You are my frost, I will not admit it. How can I admit my beloved woman?"

The disgusting color of Liu Chen’s eyes was even worse. She raised her hand and opened her hand.

"You dare to move your hands and feet, don't blame me, you are welcome!"

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