"This grandfather, are you stupid?"

Bai Xiaochen looked at the eyes and eyes, and the eyes contained sympathy: "I just came out myself, my mother told me to leave, and then my father persuaded the mother to leave me, are you old enough to have your mind loaded? Cabbage? Have your head blocked? And, the dusty dust you said... I seem to have seen her, she still has a foster daughter, but unfortunately her foster daughter was bullied by her."

"Hahaha, do you think I will believe? Don't say whether Liu Chenshuang really has a daughter, even if she has, she will be the kind of love that she loves. She can be so gentle with her unaccompanied cubs. Treat, let alone his own daughter?" Ye Xiaoqi haha ​​laughed twice, his laughter with anger, "You still squatting, doing it together, killing these people who dare to insult the frost."

There are countless lords among the strong people present. It is a bit uncomfortable to hear Ye Lanche give orders to them.

However, nowadays it is still the overall situation. They have not shown their inner embarrassment, but they have started again, and they have been surrounded by Bai Yan and others.

The war, again under this gloomy sky.

Both Bai Yan and Emperor Cang are not distracted, but are dealing with the battle in front of them.

"Yan Yan."

When I did not know when it was in front of Bai Yan, he smiled abruptly.

This smile is not his usual high indifference, but instead brings a bit of ink to the taste.

"Why don't you recognize me?" He smiled brilliantly.

The boy's face is like a beautiful flower under this brilliant smile.

"If you don't recognize me, then I can only be rude to you..."

He instantly pulled out the long sword, and with a bang, the long sword fell from the sky.

I saw a wave of dust blowing toward the white face, seemingly drowning her body.

"Yan Er!"

"Mother is careful!"

Emperor Cang's face suddenly changed.

Bai Xiaochen’s big eyes are also dignified.

In an instant of the wind and dust, Bai Yan has flashed sideways and escaped this wind.

Her red robe was not as clean as it was at first, but also covered with dust on the top of her head. Even the entire sky was covered with dust, and it seemed that there was a huge wave of dust on the top of her head.


Bai Xiaochen has stood beside Bai Yan, his little face is dignified: "Morning also believes that this person is definitely not ink."

Uncle Mo can't hurt the mother-in-law, and some people must pretend to be the father and the other.

"Morning," Momo smiled. He smiled and turned to Bai Xiaochen. "You and your mother are the same, even I don't know?"

"Your eyes are not like ink, how can you pretend that it is useless, ink is very clean, very pure, your eyes are full of desires, so you are not him!"

In fact, Bai Xiaochen and Mo Yu lived together for a short time.

But he also understands that a teenager with such clean eyes will never make a betrayal.

Therefore, when Xuanwu began to doubt that Mo was away, he always believed him.

"People will all become," Momo laughed and laughed a few times. The body approached Bai Xiaochen for two steps. "You don't recognize me, I will kill you, oh, yes, I was close to your purpose." I just want to kill you, but I haven’t had the heart to start, and I lost my memory, I don’t know anything, but now... I won’t let you go.”

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