The voice of the boy is clear, but the coldness in his eyes is very obvious.

Bai Yan was completely angry, and with a bang, the sword in his hand and the sword from the ink smashed in the air.

The fire is shining.

She approached the ink to a few steps, and the chill of the eyes became thicker: "Don't say this in a sly face, you don't deserve it!"


Bai Yan fiercely exerted a force, and the force was carried out from the palm of his hand into the long sword, which actually took the young man's body back a few steps.

The teenager’s eyes first appeared a surprise, and then resumed the sneer: “It seems that your strength has recovered almost. Although you are in the middle of the lord, you have already had the power to fight against me. However, the lord’s mid-level Between the high levels, there is still a great distance, Yan Yan, you are not my opponent after all."

The sweat ran down the white hair, and her face was covered with sweat.

The sword in her hand pointed at the boy.

"In order to be jealous, I will not let you go!"

The woman’s voice is very firm, and under this gloomy sky, it’s like a thunder.

Ink stunned from the scorpion and sneered: "I said it, I am the ink..."


Not far away, Feng Shishi and others saw that Mo Lizhen had entered the battle, and wanted to help, but she couldn't help herself. She thought of the dialogue between Bai Yan and the lord.

He is not... ink away?

Feng Shishi was a little panicked. She didn't want to admit it, but she had to think about it.

The lord has never left the field of heaven, and there is no chance to know the girl. Besides... This girl also claims that he is not a sinister...

If he is not ink-free, where is the ink leaving?

It is also because her heart is very chaotic, so she did not go to help, just biting her lip and looking forward to the battle.

"Do we have to help the lord?"

The maid behind him did not understand the thoughts of Feng Shishi and asked curiously.

Feng Shishi gnawed his teeth: "With the strength of the lord, we don't need our help. We can look at it here. If it is to help, maybe it will also provoke the lord to be unhappy."


The maids nodded as if they were... the poetry of the phoenix poetry did make sense.

The sight of Feng Shishi once again looked at the battle.

Only this time, her eyes fell from the body of the ink to the white face.

I don't know if it is her illusion. I always feel that this girl's smile and every move are too similar to the admiration of the city.

Daddy, Feng Shishi hurriedly shook his head and forced himself to converge.

At that time, the purpose of that person was always to let the monsters marry her at her feet, so she could not become the queen of the demon world.

Even if all the men under the sun are dead, she will never marry the demon king.

It should be... I feel wrong wrong?

Even so, the eyes of Feng Shi poetry can not help but sway to the white face, it is more and more easy to see and overlap with her figure.

The other maids did not notice the unusual gaze of the poetry, and all their thoughts were on the body of the ink...


In a strong force hitting the chest, Bai Yan stepped back two steps, a blood spurted out of her mouth, and her face was slightly white.

Fortunately, Emperor Cang hugged her body in time, so that she did not let her back far away.


Looking at the bloodstains hanging from the woman's mouth, Emperor Cang's heart hurts, and his anger bursts out, making his nephew appear murderous.

Damn, actually dare to hurt Yan!

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