Adorable Treasured Fox: Divine Doctor Mother Overturning The Heavens!

Vol 3 Chapter 2130: Demon flames out of control (5)

“Really?” Bai Xiaochen’s eyes with tears lit up, holding the hand of Bai Yan tightly. “Can the mother really save her sister?”

Bai Yan smiled awkwardly, just her smile, with a bit of pain.

"Yes, I will definitely save her."

She let go of Bai Xiaochen's hand and walked slowly toward the flame.

And those flames have already spread quickly to them.

Just as she was about to enter the flame, a forceful hand grabbed her tightly.

She turned her head and saw the beautiful and enchanting face of a man.

"I am with you."

One sentence I accompany you, including all the affection and warmth, is also to make Bai Yan's heart tremble.

"The demon flame will hurt you."

Emperor Cang smiled: "I am the king of the demon world. The demon flames used to be the demon world. I am afraid of it. Besides, Linger is also my daughter. I naturally want to help her."

"it is good."

Bai Yan did not refuse the Emperor Cang.

After all, Emperor Cang's strength is stronger than the morning, he can survive in the demon flame.

If she changes to morning and every day, she is not sure if they are really coming out...

"Hey, mother, you are leaving this place first, it is too dangerous here."

Bai Yan’s footsteps continued and continued.

"Yan Er..." Bai Ning was a little flustered, her eyes fixed on Bai Yan, she just wanted to say that she accompanied her into the demon flame, but before she spoke, she was interrupted by the woman's voice.

"Trust me, here, only me and the Emperor Cang can resist the flames."

Bai Yan’s words made Bai Ning a glimpse. She clung to her lips. After a long ringing, her gaze gazing at the woman who walked into the demon flame.

"Well, we are waiting for you in the city of the sky."

If they stay, they will only distract Yan, so it is better to leave waiting for her...


The loss of control of the demon flames, the consequences of any one can not afford.

Even the sky became red with the burning of the flames.

The whole world is like a layer of red light, so that everyone is like being under the sea of ​​fire...

At the moment, the white face, only the girl in front of her eyes, her eyes are gentle, step by step toward the little Linger.


The flame stopped her speed and made her footsteps slow. Even so, she still had a pain in her body and walked to the side of Xiao Linger.

Her hand was lifted up gently, holding the girl in front of her.

The girl's body has a hot temperature, and the hot skin makes the white skin red.

Even so, she still did not let go of the little guy in her arms, with endless softness in her eyes.

"Don't be afraid, the mother is by your side, always... I won't let anyone take you away, absolutely not."


At this time, Xiao Linger's eyes are dark, she is like walking in a long hole, black is not a little bright.

Her eyes are in vain, no matter how they go, they can't walk this way.


Suddenly, a gentle voice appeared in her mind, making her even more awkward.


Who is calling her?

Why is this voice so familiar that she has an urge to cry...

"Don't be afraid, the mother is by your side, always... I won't let anyone take you away, absolutely not."

The voice rang again, and the faintness in Linger’s eyes gradually disappeared and slowly cleared.

Niang pro... is the mother who is calling her.

By the way, she just gave the demon flames to help her deal with those people, she has promised the demon flames, will give this body to it.

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