The heart of Feng Shi's poems trembled a few times. Her face was slightly white and her steps back a few steps.

"And..." Ink slowly walked toward the phoenix poetry. "You are not listening to discipline more and more, first obeying orders. Now, dare to question the lord. If so, leave you with no use. ""

At that moment, the powerful force surged from the body of the ink, and it seemed to invade like a storm, and the face of the phoenix poetry changed.

The maids who followed the phoenix poetry were also paralyzed. No one had thought that Feng Shishi had followed the lord for so many years. Because of her questioning, the lord wanted to kill her.

Can face the anger of the ink, no one dares to say a word, just look at the phoenix poetry with that anxious eyes...


At this moment, the powerful force fell on the chest of Feng Shishi. She only felt that the heart had been hit hard, and the body suddenly flew out, and a blood spewed out and sprinkled in the void. It fell like a **** rain.

The body of Feng Shishi is also like a kite with broken lines, keep going down, and then go down...

Her gaze began to blur, as if everything in front of her eyes had disappeared, she could only feel her body falling and falling until it fell to the cold ground.

Ink has taken his eyes back from Feng Shishi's body, and his indifferent eyes turned to other people present. His voice was cold and indifferent.

"This is to question my end, can you see it clearly?"

The maids hurriedly slammed down: "I don't dare."

"let's go."

Before leaving, he looked at the phoenix poetry that fell from the void again, and raised a sneer in the shallow lips.

Feng Shishi is a woman who is too clever, not so foolish. If the woman told the old guys in the field of heaven what happened, it would be inevitable that the old guy would doubt him.

Therefore, the best way is to kill this girl.

Obviously, just now his blow used a very strong force, and in the middle of her heart, the phoenix poetry never survived...


On the icy ground, the phoenix poetry desperately wanted to open an open call, but her throat could not make a sound.

Her face is too pale and has no color because of excessive blood loss.

Just as her vision became blurred, a white face was in front of her eyes.

She opened her eyes hard and wanted to see the teenager in front of her clearly, but she couldn't see the vague face with her strength.

"Lead... Lord?"

How can it be?

Just as she fell, it was obvious that the lord had left with other people.

Why... He returned again?

What happened next, the phoenix poetry is not clear, she only feels that someone has hugged her up, and then she has completely lost consciousness...


Castle in the Sky.

Outside the city gate, the teenager was surrounded by a group of armed men. He was holding a woman in his arms, and the clear water-like scorpion looked around at these people.

"I am looking for a white face."

The voice of the young man is very clear, just like the bright moon, even his frowning movements are so fresh and refined.

"Do you still dare to come to China in the field?"

Although Bai Yan withdrew all the guards before, but these people still saw the battle outside the city gate, naturally the youngster's appearance was clearly engraved in my mind.

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