What they just didn't think was that the teenager now dared to come to the Chinese field alone and want to see their lords?

"When you go to talk to Yan Yan, you say... Ink came to visit."

Faced with these guards in the Chinese field, the teenager has no temper, his eyes are still clear like springs, and the voice is clear and beautiful.

Such a teenager, under normal circumstances, no one can refuse his request.


Thinking of the behavior of those people before, everyone in the Chinese field has a feeling of anger, and the tone is ironic.

"Do you still want to come to our Chinese field? The last time you can escape, this time, I am afraid there is no such luck!"

The ink was lightly wrinkled from the brow, and his pink lips rose slightly. Just as he wanted to continue to say something, a happy voice suddenly came into his ear.


As the ink drifted away, he slowly looked up. In an instant, the face of the little boy's pink and jade was reflected in his eyes.

In the moment when I saw the ink drifting away, Bai Xiaochen’s small face was full of surprises. He ran out quickly and flew like he got the ink away from him.

"Ink, how come you? Are you looking for a mother?"

Ink slightly nodded.

After he saw that Bai Xiaochen was still so kind to him, his heart quietly sighed.

In fact, since seeing Suzaku and Xuanwu, he never dared to see Bai Yan and his mother.

He is afraid that he will see hatred from their eyes...

Fortunately, Bai Xiaochen is no different from him in the past. So, Yan Yan, he...do you believe him?

"The son," the guard was shocked and said in a hurry. "He is not a good person. Have you forgotten it? He was among those who had been besieging the Chinese field not long ago."

The face of the ink was suddenly sinking.

To besiege the Chinese field?

What is the ink?

The **** pretending to hurt him?

No wonder, it is no wonder that the Feng Shi poetry will be injured outside the Chinese field. It must have been because the ink is away from the bastard. He should have guessed from the beginning that Mo Li must have seen Yan Yan, otherwise, these guards will not So hostile to him...

"No, that person can't be ink, he is my jealousy."

Bai Xiaochen’s brow wrinkled, and when he looked at the ink, the little face burst into a bright smile.

"Ink, my mother has been waiting for you for a long time, she wants to know the truth of everything, can you tell him?"

The voice of the ink drifted with a whimper: "She didn't... misunderstood me?"

"Ink," Bai Xiaochen's little face pulled down, obviously unhappy. "Do you think about my mother? She never listens to other people's rumors, she only believes in herself, so she always believes Ink, she just waited for me to explain to her."

Bai Xiaochen can't tolerate anyone misunderstanding Bai Yan, even if it is ink.

"Xiao Chen, I don't mean this, I am just..."

He was just scared, afraid to see Bai Yan’s anger and disappointment, so he also thought about it for a long time before he came to her...

"Ink, my mother is waiting for you," Bai Xiaochen looked down at the woman holding the ink in his arms, and suddenly wrinkled a good-looking brow. "This woman seems to be a person who pretends to be you." Guy, ink, do you know her?"

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