"It turns out that my master had such a fate thousands of years ago, it is yours!"

After Xiaomi’s silence for a while, she suddenly became angry. His angry eyes turned to the path of no emptiness and biting teeth.

If the elders of the **** told the gods of the bastards, the master would not be framed, and would not suffer such torture.

It turned out that he was the culprit!

There is no vain, he is not clear, so he turned to look at Xiaomi, his brow wrinkled, and did not seem to understand what her words meant.

"It turned out to be the case..." Suzaku also sneered two times. "You are indeed the culprit, the master, and the demon world."

From the beginning to the end, Bai Yan did not say a word, her light eyes looked at Feng Shishi and others, and her eyes did not fluctuate.

Just when the elders did not understand what these people were saying, another voice came slowly from the void and fell into their ears. It also made the body of Feng Shishi and others stiff.

"They are not wrong with what they said. It’s that you hurt your face."

As the sun sets, a long figure slowly shows off.

The boy's face is faintly lustrous under the gaze of the setting sun. The eyebrows are picturesque, and the clear eyes are like a clear spring, clean and not staining any impurities.

Such a teenager is purely like a white paper, so clean that people can't bear to tarnish him.

"Ink is away, I haven't seen it for a long time..." The clear vision of the ink turned to the ink, and said with a smile.

When the boy appeared, the look of Feng Shishi and others changed. The eyes of all people fell on the face of his handsome doll, and they could no longer move.

"The lord..." is not too excited because the voice is trembled, his old eyes are full of tears, and even the words of the young boy have been left behind by him.

Yes, this is the lord, the lord they have missed for a long time!

The ink was tightly holding the fist, and the forehead was violently violent. For a long time, he burst into a sudden smile.

"Ink is away, how are you coming back now? Don't forget, your strength has already belonged to me, even if you are back, even if my identity is revealed... then you are definitely not my hands, hahaha! ”

His laughter is crazy and hateful.

“Why?” ink asked from his lips. “Why are you doing this?”

Ink sneer: "You ask me why? We are obviously twin brothers, but I can only be your shadow, you can stand in the light, I will always need to hide in the dark, but in those days when I am in the dark In, you will often accompany me. I was very tired when I was alive, and I felt very satisfied."

Ink is silent and silent.

Seeing his silent expression, Mo Li continued to say: "But you... every time you talk to me, you can never leave the city, I was very curious at the time, what kind of woman can make you like this. Worship admiration, but I never thought that you abandoned the field of heaven for her, and left me! How can I not hate her? I have prayed for you to stay, you still have to go back. Just for her, ink is gone, and now you still ask me why I do this?"

His voice was sobbing, with anger, and a pair of scorpions with red blood red, showing his madness.

Ink did not speak, and he looked at the expression of ink that could not be understood.

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