"Frost, you will be good to the night heart in the future, right?"

Ye Yuqi looked up at Liu Chenshuang.

He can ignore her past mistakes, as long as he can treat Liu Yexin well in the future, he will forgive her...

Liu Chenshuang walked slowly toward Ye Lan Che, her mouth with a shallow smile, a smile in the depths of her eyes.

Ye Hao looked at the dust and dust that came to her with a sly look.

She is still so beautiful, beautiful to make him feel excited...

"Uncle Ye!"

Liu Yexin’s face was white and hurriedly looked up at Ye Lanche. I don’t know why, she saw murderousness from the eyes of Liu Chenshuang.

This woman wants to kill Ye Shushu!

"Uncle Ye, you are leaving her, go!"

The tears of Liu Yexin flowed down the eyes, her voice anxious and hurriedly shouted.

The voice of the girl is also to let Ye Lanqi recover from the stunning, his throat swallowing, wanting to open, a arrogant force suddenly pulled his soul, and then there was a painful heartache.

"Frost, what are you doing?" Ye Hao's face changed, and he looked at Liu Chenshuang's eyes with pain and despair.

She wants to kill him...

This woman is really trying to kill him!

It is a pity that the leaves are not allowed to resist, and the jade hand has already taken his soul and left the body.

When the soul was pulled out, his body was also slammed into the ground, his eyes were round and his eyes were dead.

Everyone is stunned, and it seems that they don’t understand why Liu Yexin wants to kill Ye Yuche...

Shouldn't she use Ye Lanqi to deal with the demon world?

And now in this case, killing Ye Yuche is extremely disadvantageous for her.

"Uncle Ye's!!!" Liu Yexin's voice was exhausted with screams. She was shaking and her tears had already covered her face. The angry eyes looked at Liu Chenshuang. "You killed Ye Shushu, You damn, you damn!!!"

Under the break of Liu Yexin's heart, Xiaomi also let go of her hand.

Perhaps, Ye Lanche is already dead, and it is useless to tie Liu Yexin, and let her deal with Liu Chenshuang.

Liu Chenshuang turned and stared at Liu Yexin, who was rushing to the rush. She suddenly laughed: "Liu Yexin, some time ago, I always wanted to find you, but unfortunately... I could not find you, no. I thought you were coming to the door."

"Bad woman, you killed Ye Shushu, you killed her, I want you to pay for it!!!"

Liu Yexin’s heart is full of anger and hatred.

Regardless of how Liu Chenshuang treats her, she will not hate like this, but she should not kill Ye Shushu.

That is the only warmth in her life.

It is also the only person in the world who really loves her.

How can she kill him...

Liu Yexin’s heart was flushed, and it quickly rushed to the front of Liu Chenshuang’s eyes. Just as she just came to the front, Liu Chenshuang slowly raised her hand...

A violent pain came from her soul, and Liu Ye’s face was white and his footsteps could not move.

Ye Hao's soul is being held in the hands of Liu Chenshuang. Therefore, he naturally sees the situation of Liu Yexin's present day, which is consistent with him.

"Liu Dust Cream, you stop, she is your daughter, your biological daughter!"

This time, Ye Haoqi was completely angry. He clenched his fists with anger and anger.

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