Adorable Treasured Fox: Divine Doctor Mother Overturning The Heavens!

Vol 3 Chapter 2188: Life and death together, never give up (2)

"White Yan," Liu Chenshuang sneered out. "I really only want to deal with you and Emperor Cang today. However, even if you let them leave now, I will still find them in the future, one by one to let them go to hell. You, do you think you can stop me?"

Her hatred is indeed directed against Bai Yan, but this does not mean that she is willing to let go of the people around Bai Yan.

"But..." She laughed again. "Others can go. Your son can't. He is the child of you and Emperor Cang. I can't stand her living in this world."

Bai Yan’s body suddenly became stiff, and she held her fist tightly and slowly raised her throat.

"You dare to move him to try!"

The son is her life, she must not let anyone hurt him!

"Ha ha ha!"

Liu Chenshuang laughed wildly, and in the moment when the laughter sounded, she was surrounded by wind and cold, and there seemed to be countless storms that were derived from the whole body.

"Then I will let you know now, I dare not move this little thing!"


This moment, a powerful momentum surged out, like a hurricane, and immediately went to Bai Xiaochen.

Under this powerful force, Bai Xiaochen's body is stiff, his footsteps can't move, but he always holds a stubborn little face, looking at Liu Chenshuang with a look of desperation!

"Big brother!"

Just then, a call came from behind Bai Xiaochen, letting his unfeared little face stiffen, and a flustered flashed through his big eyes.

Linger’s girl... How did she come out?


In the moment when the hurricane hit, the glazed glaze had been blocked in front of Bai Xiaochen. He held the little guy firmly in his arms. The beautiful face looked at the storm that seemed to be able to swallow people, and hurriedly extended the sleeves. withstand.

The rain blows his cheeks, but his expression is still calm and there is no extra emotion.

Bai Xiaochen was firmly guarded in his arms, but he did not suffer much damage.

It’s just that the storm is still going on...

The white robes of the glazed glaze have been smashed by the knife contained in the storm, and the blood oozes out from the skin. His white long hair is also stained with blood. Under the clouds, he has lost the past. Fairy and ethereal.

"Morning, wind glass 宸!!!"

Bai Yan looked at the two people in the storm. Her clenched fists trembled even more, and strong anger poured into her heart, so that her already trembling feet could finally move...

She flashed and she was already in front of Liu Chenshuang.

Destroy the sword in the void, and set off a powerful force to face the Liu Chen cream.

"Well?" Liu Chenshuang was amazed. It seemed that she did not expect that this woman could escape her pressure.

She is obviously not a true god, why... can she still have such power?


At the moment when the sword was destroyed, Liu Chenshuang had already shunned, and under the power of this sword, the sky seemed to be smashed, and a huge gully appeared on the ground, like a giant beast. Mouth, like to swallow people.

Liu Chenshuang was irritated by Bai Yan.

She originally wanted to kill Bai Xiaochen, the little guy, to kill Bai Yan. I didn't expect this woman to rebel against her pressure. Therefore, she turned all the swordsmanship toward Bai Yan.

"I wanted to let you live a little longer, now you are forcing me! You forced me to kill you immediately!"

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