"the host!"

"Yan Yan!"

"Nanny pro!!!"

"sister in law!"

The heartbreaking sound, and this moment spread throughout the city beyond the sky. Mobile phone m.

They met with Bai Yan and Tian Yan, and they happened to see the scene where Bai Yan was worn by Wan Jian.

This scene, like a hand, tears their hearts again.

The white mad rushed toward Bai Yan, and he caught the body that was about to fall from the void.

Tianyan and Bai Ning went to the front of Bai Yan at the same time. They looked at the women who were all blood, and they did not want to live.

"How can this be, how can this be, Yan Er..." Bai Ning's face was white, her footsteps were somewhat unstable, and the voice was shaking. "Yan, don't be scared, I am courageous, I am Can't stand the scare, don't scare me, okay... I can't live without you, I can't!"

Since their mother and daughter have been recognized, they have been gathering more and less, but why... Why would God want to separate them?

Bai Yan’s breathing was weak until it disappeared, and he could no longer respond to those people’s words, leaving only grief for his loved ones.

"No!!! Sister!!!"

The white cockroach tightly held the body of Bai Yan, tears inadvertently flowed down, and he was unaware, only feeling that his heart was so painful that he was not willing to let go of his hands from beginning to end.

Not willing to let go of this... let him be attached to the woman for so many years.

"Sister, don't leave me, we grew up, so many difficulties have come down, why are you leaving me? Why? If I made a mistake, I can change it. I will listen to you in the future." I just ask you not to leave me. In this world, you are my closest relative. You don't want me. What should I do after that? What do you want me to do?"

The white-shouldered hand holding the white body is more forceful. He is afraid that he will let go, and the woman who is pregnant will disappear completely, so that he can't see and touch.


Xiao Linger cried and ran away toward Bai Yan.

Perhaps the breath of Bai Yan has disappeared, and Liu Chenshuang has also collected the pressure that shocked everyone, so at that moment, everyone ran towards Bai Yan.

Ink's footsteps were awkward and he couldn't walk, but he still walked to Bai Yan's side.

A pair of clear eyes look at the white face, turning into endless sorrow.

She is dead...

The woman who occupies the hearts of all of them is already dead.

At the moment of her death, his heart fell into silence, and the slender fingers trembled out and tried to stroke the woman's cheek.

"Master, hey!"

Xiaomi cried in tears, and the crying was getting louder and louder, like a roaring sound in the sky.

The whole atmosphere has fallen into grief like never before.

Bai Xiaochen was already crying, his eyes contained pain and despair, and his eyes were reluctant to move away from Bai Yan’s body.

Mother is no longer?

Does he really want to leave him and his younger siblings? How can she be so cruel?

Without her, what should he do...

Xiao Longer, Yi, Xuanwu, and Qinglong are all standing next to Bai Yan. They look at the woman who is hugged by the white shackles, and the painful heartbreaking.

"Nanny..." Xiaolonger burst into tears, her face was white and sad, "I'm sorry... I'm too useless."

I thought I was strong enough to protect you, but in the end, in front of the true God, I became so useless, even the pressure of the true God could not resist, so that I could not protect your safety...

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