
The moment he opened his mouth, Bai Yan’s tears could not help but flow down. She slammed her fists and restrained herself, and then she did not see the man’s moment and ran to him.

"You...all right?"

"Well..." Chu Yifeng smiled softly. "I'm fine, so come back and tell you, I will leave later."

Bai Yan was a stiff body. She was silent for a while and asked: "What about the wind? He didn't come back with you?"

On the occasion of hearing Bai Yan, Chu Yifeng had a short silence: "He went to the mainland, so he did not come back with me."

"Yes?" Bai Yan smiled. "You're fine. Before you leave, do you want to see Chu clothes? That girl wants you."

When I mentioned the clothes of Chu, the light of Chu Yifeng also showed a gentleness. However, he did not agree with Bai Yan and shook his head: "I have other things to do, wait until I come back to see that. Shantou, I haven’t seen her for a long time, and my father...”

"Okay, then go, I will tell you that you are safe and safe, and she is very worried about you."

Bai Yan smiled shallowly. When she saw Chu Yifeng, all her hearts fell.


Chu Yifeng gently sighed, and he once again looked at the white face, turned and disappeared into the breeze.


Spirit world.

The mountains are white, the clouds are ethereal and the scenery is picturesque.

The footsteps of Chu Yifeng stood in front of the tombstone.

The breeze blew, the man's ink rose in the wind, his slender fingers gently stroked the unknown tombstone in front of him, his eyes with emotions that people could not understand.

"Flame glass..." His voice was gentle. "I have fulfilled my promise to put your tombstone here, and, without writing a name, maybe this is the place where you and she have the most memories, so you are I want to come here..."

Turbulent, his mouth raised a faint smile, that smile with bitterness and helplessness.

"I originally wanted to sacrifice myself and let you integrate me to save her, but you saved me..."

The man closed his eyes gently, and his mind showed a dialogue with the glaze after he was awake.

"Why are you saving me like this?"

"Because, in her heart, you and I are heavier, I don't want to make her sad again, that's it..."

I don't want to make her sad, nothing more.

So Feng Liyu sacrificed himself and saved him...

"I promise you, your sacrifice will not let her know, I will hide it for you, and I will continue to love her with your one..."


A few years ago.

The realm of God is in chaos.

It is said that those who are strong in the mysterious field attacked the realm of the gods for their own privacy. Later, the demon world led by the demon Bai Yan peaked those areas and saved the realm of the gods.

It has been a few years since the battle, and the gods have returned to peace.

In the realm of the gods, in addition to the power of a temple called the Temple, there are four major families and five small families.

In the five small families, the most famous is the Feng family.

A few years ago, Feng Jia had a daughter named Feng Shi Shi. Not only was the young and beautiful, but also the talented and talented, he had won a lot of light for the Feng family.

It is only this phoenix poetry is so lonely that even her biological parents can hardly walk into her heart. Therefore, at the same time as Fengjia scenery, she is also very distressed by the nature of this phoenix poetry.

On this day, Feng Shishi sat by the lake, her little hand dragging her gang, and she was boring to kick the water under her feet.

Suddenly, she looked up and saw a young and delicate teenager coming to her.

He walked in the lake, but like walking on the ground, step by step, slowly walked to the eyes of the phoenix poetry.

Feng Shi poetry looked at him, and asked with milk, "Who are you?"

The young boy smiled and smiled. He extended a slender hand to the poetry of Feng Shi. The voice was crisp: "I will take you back."

A glimpse of Feng Shi poetry, after all, put his hand on the palm of the boy, and then gradually got up and walked to the side of the boy.

The teenager took her little hand and headed for the other side of the lake.

Their figures disappeared into the sun, and they went farther and farther, eventually turning into a small point and completely leaving the lake.

When we chased it, we only saw their last glimpse of the figure, and they couldn’t wait for them to call out. The phoenix poetry left with the boy, as if... never appeared...

(End of the finale)

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