
In the room.

Nangong was standing in the window, and behind him, there was a familiar voice coming from the cold.

The voice made him stiff and slowly turned. In a moment, a girl in a white coat rushed over to him and rushed into his eyes, also hitting his heart.

"Sister Nangong, I miss you very much," the girl smugly extended her hand to Nangong, and she smiled very brightly. "However, I would like more gifts from the Nangong brothers. Did the brothers bring gifts to me?" What?"

At that moment, Nan Gong’s heart was melted.

Even if she just looked at her smile, she had a full sense of satisfaction, as if she had to laugh at her and let him pay for everything, he had no regrets.

"I naturally won't forget the gift for you," Nangong's smile was gentle, the original fierce sword, and then saw the girl's moment turned into an infinite pet. "I accidentally passed a silver phoenix. The old nest happened to be in contact with the silver phoenix, so I used the bird's favorite food and they exchanged the golden silk feather, which can withstand the three attacks of any strong player in the field."

Even if it is the demon world, the silver phoenix is ​​extremely rare, not to mention making a whole piece of clothing, and only when they change their hair, they exchanged the feathers.

After all, Linger is also a monster. It is impossible for Nangong to kill the silver feathers and take away the feathers. Therefore, it is more difficult to get those silver feathers.

Just to please the spirit, he is hard and worth it.

After saying this, Nan Gongyi raised his hand slightly, and a silver feather coat fell into his palm.

The silver ray is so big that it fills the entire room.

"A beautiful silver silk coat."

The eyes of Emperor Ling are bright.

Her mother-in-law is a true god. No one dares to do anything to her. She looks at this silver silk coat, just because it is so beautiful.

"Brother, I like this dress very much, you must have paid a lot of money to get it," Emperor Ling smiled and gathered the silver silk feather coat. She raised her small head with a smile in her eyes. You are very kind to me. Except for my brother and my brothers, you and Uncle Uny are the best for me."

In the inn's room, Bei Mo, who was thrown to the side by Emperor Ling, looked up and fell on the body of Emperor Ling and Nan Gong.

Somehow, he always felt... this man seems to be a little unsightly.

Well, it must be that he has no good feelings about human beings.

"Linger," Nan Gong's gaze stared at the emperor, his eyes with a sly, "I don't know, you are so big."

When he first met, he was just a young boy, and she was only ignorant of the girl.

Now, after more than a decade, he has already faded away from the green. Similarly, the girl who has been in his heart for many years has already reached the stage of the cardamom.

Time flies……

"I would have grown up, and I am not a little girl who will only add chaos to the demon world. I have long been alone."

At this moment, Emperor Ling lost the past agility, but with the wisdom of domineering in the eyes: "After all, I am the daughter of the mother, the children of the mother, there will never be a waste."

Don't look at the second brother only knows greed, but his strength is progressing too fast, coupled with the guidance of the big brother, the strength of the second brother is more than her...

And she is a demon princess, everyone is not willing that she is too tired, and no one forced her to practice, even so, now the demon world can beat her ... ... is also rare.

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