At the Nangong Temple, he was dumbfounded, but the eyes of the girl were still the kind of pets that would kill people.

"You are Master's daughter, naturally...the best women in the world except Master, they are all proud of you."

The emperor smiled again. She smiled brightly, but she didn't know what she thought of. She slightly raised her lips: "Brother, do you have news of my aunt?"

"Cloud Princess?" Nangong swayed and shook his head. "It is estimated that only you will know where she went. I don't know anything about Yun's whereabouts."

"Is it?" The emperor sighed with a sigh and his expression was frustrated. "Since a few years ago, my aunt said that she would not go home without finding a national teacher. Since then, I have never seen my aunt again. Know if she has found my future uncle..."

The aunt was really distressing, and she liked the national teacher obviously, but she could not see him for so many years.

If you change to her, you will definitely not be able to stand it.

But my aunt can still hold it down, just to see him in the best posture...

"I believe my aunt, she and the national teacher are so deeply loved, no one in this world can stop them from falling in love."

Turbulent, the Emperor raised a small head.

Her eyes were star-studded, and she was firmly filled with the beautiful eyes.

Nan Gongyi involuntarily extended his hand and wanted to embrace the Emperor.

However, his long fingers had not touched the woman, and a white shadow flashed over and knocked him back a few steps.

Nangong’s eyes flashed a surprise, and he looked at the white cat that he had neglected since he started.


Bei Mo's eyes narrowed, and the bullying of the cat's eyes emerged. The hostile eyes looked coldly at Nangong Temple.

Under the impetuous momentum of this white cat, Nangong’s face changed slightly and his expression was dignified.

If you look at it for the first time, this white cat is just a pet with no attacking power. After feeling the momentum of the white cat, the mood of Nangong Temple has changed. Shen Sheng asked: "Who are you?"

He has never seen the existence of this white cat in the demon world, and since it has such a powerful force, why should it hide its strength and shrink it around Linger?

If he did not understand this, he would never allow any threat to appear to her.

"Xiaobei, what do you do for my brother?"

The emperor was angry, and she asked her hands on her hips.

Even though Bei Mo has now recovered his body, his strength has weakened a lot, but its pressure has not been alleviated. However, its pressure is only for Nangong Temple, and the Emperor behind it is not aware of the pressure. The presence.

Even so, when I saw that Bei Mo could push Nangong, the Emperor had already discovered that this kitten was not unusual for her.


The north groaned the following, turned to look at the emperor, with amazement in his eyes.

What is this Xiaobei...?

Emperor Linger naturally understood the doubts of Bei Mo, she was a little calm face: "You are a white cat, I can not call you Xiaobai? That is the name of my older brother, the kitten is not good, Moreover, I am here in the North Street of the city, and I simply call you Xiaobei."

If Bei Mo is now a human figure, it is estimated that his mouth will not be able to twitch.

It turns out that Xiaobei is called... is it so?

It almost thought that this girl had recognized it...

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