The spiritual environment is a place similar to the realm of the gods, and it is adjacent to the demon world. Only the people in the spiritual territory are not as powerful as the real world.

On that day, the woman in the spiritual territory took people to go to the demon world to find trouble, and I wanted to tame the emperor, and this made it possible for Bai Yan to know the existence of the spiritual environment...

"Because the people in the spiritual world are in trouble to find the demon world, the mother thinks that her strength is too low to fight side by side with her, so she wants to practice in the Holy Land."

Bai Xiaochen recovered his faceless expression, but his eyes were even more bloody, and Zheng Xin and others’ hearts were panicked.

Today's Bai Xiaochen is very strange to them, strange to... as if the cute innocent little guy has changed into a person.

"Morning... What the **** are you doing? Don't scare the teacher, the teacher is courageous and can't stand the scare."

Bai Xiaochen did not answer Zheng Qi’s words. He continued to ask: “Master, do you think that people in the spiritual world are damned!”

"It is their **** mother who has entered the holy place, and they have separated me from my mother and mother! Whether it is the spiritual world or the gods, they all **** it!"

Yes, because this group of people has harmed Bai Yan, so these people are damned!

"His Royal Highness," Xiao Longer wiped the tears from the corner of his eye and stood beside Bai Xiaochen. She did not fear the suffocation of the little guy from the inside out. The mouth slammed and the tears fell again. "You are right. I blame those people! In the future, Longer should also practice well, killing the bad guys and avenging the queen."

For Xiao Longer, Bai Xiaochen said that he is right. He said that it is the soul and the gods that harm the queen. It must be their fault!

Those who have harmed the queen, **** it!


At the same time, within the demon world, Emperor Cang is negotiating with his subordinates. Suddenly, his chest is stuffy, his heart is tightly held, his brows are slightly wrinkled.

"Wang," Huo Yu was shocked and asked, "What happened?"

Emperor Cang's face was a bit pale: "The king had sealed the blood of the morning body, and now the blood force is gradually confined to the trend, he must have been stimulated."

This world, there is only one person who can make Bai Xiaochen mad... Bai Yan!

not good!

It must be that Yan is in danger!

Emperor Cang brushed up and did not care about the group of people behind him. If the same gust of wind rushed to the door, it disappeared in the blink of an eye...


Holy place.

Under the white sky, Bai Yan stood in the forest that was shaken. In front of her, there was a monster like a mountain, and it was ragged and ragged.

"What happened in the end?"

Feeling the vibration of the ground, the white brow is lightly wrinkled: "Is there too many monsters I killed, so the holy world collapsed? No, if this is the case, the holy world will not let so many monsters attack me. ”

Bai Yan’s expression gradually became dignified. Her palm gripped her sword tightly and stood on the high body of the mountain. She looked at the situation in front of her eyes with cold eyes...

The sky was shattered like a piece of cloth, and the ground moved, the waves shook, and buried a large forest.

The heart of Bai Yan was also nervous.

The holy world really collapsed? If she did not leave the Holy Land before, I am afraid that this life will not leave this place.

"I only know that if I died in Xiaosheng, I could leave this place. But before I came, Chu did not tell me how to get out of this holy place. Do you need to die?"

Do not! In this place, if it is dead, then she is really dead, so going out of the holy place is definitely not the way!

This book is from

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