Qiu Shurong's body was stiff and stiff, and a bitter smile appeared on his old face.

"Jin Linyi is a pool of things. When it comes to the wind, it will turn into a dragon. The meaning of this sentence, I don't understand? But I am really scared. Over the years, I have received such a baby disciple! How do you say me?" I can't bear to see her so desperately?"

Two lines of turbid old tears fell from the corner of Qiu Rongrong's eyes, making his look full of sorrow.

Ren Yi took a shot on Qiu Shurong's shoulder. He didn't want to let the disciples leave his line of sight again. But this is Bai Yan's choice. How can they be forced by the Master?

"Three teachers."

Just then, a soft voice came from the front.

When Zheng Qi and others looked up, they saw Bai Xiaochen going back and returned. The little body came quickly toward the three people.

"Three teachers, the mother is afraid that you will not let her leave, so I dare not come back, but she sent her morning Dan to her three teachers, thanking the three teachers for her rescue and cultivation."

Bai Xiaochen took out the Danfang in the storage bag and gave him a letter.

"And, the mother said, the three teachers will always be her master. No matter where she goes, she will cherish life and come back to meet with the three teachers."

After saying this, Bai Xiaochen hugged the three people under Zheng Qi one by one, and even gave Chu Ran a big hug.

After he hugged one by one, Bai Xiaochen went to Qiu Rongrong's side and said quietly: "The three divisions, the mother, she knows that you are worried about her, and the morning child understands, but... the three divisions, you can rest assured, after the morning Will stop the mother to take risks, must let the mother return to the intact."

Qiu Rongrong sighed. He touched the white head of Bai Xiaochen: "You kid... forget it, you tell your mother, the three masters will not force her to stay, just. If I let her know that she is going to fight again, In the future, she will not leave the Holy Land, even if I am closed, I will lock her up!"

"Three divisions, the morning will help you to supervise the mother, if the mother is willing to do this kind of thing, morning child... Will the morning help the three divisions to fight the mother's ass?"

This child's words, so that Qiu can not stand the laughter, his old face still hangs tears, carefully wiped away.

"Well, the three divisions believe in the morning, if your mother is not obedient, come back and tell the three divisions."

"I know, the morning is leaving, the grandfather of the Lord, the three teachers will see you again, and the morning will miss you."

Bai Xiaochen’s little face was hung with a big smile. He gestured to the old man with a goodbye and turned and walked away toward the front.

A moment's effort has disappeared from the sight of several people...

"The blessing of Baitoutou is very good. I have a son who is so sensible." Churan smiled and then sighed with sorrow. "When can I really hold my grandson? But, the character of Yifeng, estimated I can't cultivate such a lively and lovely son."

As for Chu clothes...

Churan thought that Chu Yiyi had abducted Bai Xiaochen’s troubles everywhere, and he couldn’t help but take a nap.

If you forget it, you can't report hope to Chu Yiyi! Otherwise, after Chu Yiyi gave birth to a child, wouldn’t she bring her children everywhere?

In this case, he might as well let go of Chu clothes, and will never urge her to marry.

Fortunately, Chu clothing does not know the thoughts in the heart of the heart, otherwise, is she lucky, or sad?

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