Chapter 861

When the consciousness of white wind was lost, it seemed that a clear spring poured into the body. Let him gradually recover from the chest penetrated by the sword...

"Grandpa, sorry, I am late." Bai Yan carefully placed Bai Changfeng's body on the ground. Her voice shook with tears. The silent tears fell from the inside, and her eyes turned red and turned to the masters behind them. .

"Who did you move my grandfather?" Her voice, with the breeze floating in the air, the killing of the strong, let the breeze with a trace of temperature.

The person who had just injured the white wind was first stunned, and then sneered out: "I am..."

so what?

The last three words have not yet fallen, and a sudden flash of light flashes, and Bai Yan does not know when he has arrived in front of him.

Her hand, grasping the man's arm tightly, tearing hard...

With a tear, the sound of the shattered rag as the rag broke, the man's arm was torn off by the whole white, and the blood rushed out and dyed the whole day.


After a half-sound, the sound of a heartbreaking pulse came out. The man was carrying a **** arm, his eyes staring red at the face of this beautiful face.

At the entire gate of the mountain, there was silence, not to mention those who were spiritual, and even the people in the medicine door were scared by her.

At that time, even the elders of Tianlei were seriously injured by this person. However, Miss Bai Yan did not give these people a chance to respond. She had already torn off his entire arm. It was as simple as tearing a chicken leg.

“Who else hurt my grandfather?” Bai Yan’s sharp eyes looked around and eventually locked in the lead middle-aged man.

The middle-aged man’s eyes flashed through a cold man’s eyes, waved his hand and shouted: “Anyone who is a drug door, one must not let go!”

In an instant, the masters who are still waiting for the middle-aged men to fight their lives, quickly rushed toward Bai Yan, leaving her surrounded by air, and wings are difficult to fly.


The white long wind that had just recovered from the medicinal herbs gradually recovered from the moment, and when he did not know what happened, he suddenly saw the white eyes in the circle of the crowd. The heart suddenly became tight and the old face was old. It is full of anxiety.

"What are you doing back? You go quickly, how far you can go, go quickly!"

The last two words, he used all his strength to roar, his old body was shaking.

"Come on, you are leaving!"

Seeing that Bai Yan had no action, Bai Changfeng couldn't help but scream, his old face was white, and his fear covered his entire old eyes.

"I have been a grandfather, don't be afraid, the mother will not have anything to do."

A tender voice came from the side.

Bai Changfeng only saw Bai Xiaochen and Xiaolonger who did not know when they stood by. The two little guys were afraid of his fear and still did not forget to appease him.

"Morning, how are you here, how can you bring you to this dangerous place? You hurry, this is not where you stay." Bai Changfeng stood up from the ground and hurriedly pushed the white body of Bai Xiaochen. I hope he will leave here quickly.

On the side of Bai Xiaochen's body, he hid in the past. His serious eyes gazed at the people in front, and the big eyes were shining.

"Morning children believe in the mother."

"You..." Bai Changfeng's lips are lingering.

Originally, he thought that the return of Bai Yan was only his hallucination. I did not expect that they really came back.

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