However, all this, he is an urgent hope, he has never seen them ... it is better to let the girl confessed.

"I have little to do with these people, and they will not force to stay in the illusion," Bai Changfeng said that he couldn't understand Bai Xiaochen. He bit his teeth and turned his eyes to middle-aged men. "So, I hope you can let them down now." ”

The middle-aged man snorted: "If it is before, maybe I will agree with your request. Unfortunately, this girl hurts my subordinates. If I let them leave, how can I stand in the spirit afterwards? Therefore, I am afraid everyone present. It is impossible to escape!"

Worn his subordinates?

When Bai Changfeng sighed, he slowly turned his head, and he saw a gray-faced gray-robed man. His broken arm was bloody, and his red eyes contained anger.

That guy... is it hurt by Yan?

Just as Bai Changfeng was amazed, the subordinate men of the middle-aged men already had movements.

The breeze swelled, and the woman’s red dress standing in the mountains was shallow, and it was amazing.

She holds a long sword in her hand, the handle is red, and the three thousand green silks sway with the wind, and the domineering eyebrows have a touch of coldness.


Seeing that a red dress rushed into the crowd, Bai Changfeng’s heart mentioned the eyes of the blind man. His face was full of urgency, but when he just wanted to move it, he pulled the wound on his back and suddenly coughed. Two times, a blood coughed out.

"Little Dragon, you looked at your grandfather, don't let him move." Bai Xiaochen frowned, jumped from the stone bench and ordered.

Xiao Longer screamed with big eyes: "His Royal Highness, what are you going to do?"

"Of course I am looking for a helper for my mother."

Bai Xiaochen’s little face was dignified. After he said this, he cleared his throat and made a sound wave in his throat.

The sound is not very loud, but it seems to be magical, and the monsters in the drug door are directly smashed out.

In the presence, except for Xiao Longer, no one can understand Bai Xiaochen's words. His voice is very young, but in this tenderness, there is a king-like domineering.

Only the middle-aged man looked at Bai Xiaochen. Xu thought that a child could not afford the wind and waves, but he ignored him. He only looked at those who fought with Bai Yan.

At this moment, a lot of people have fallen into a pool of blood, blood stained the entire mountain gate, corpses across the field.

Lin Elder looked at the fallen people more and more, his face suddenly changed, it was very ugly, if you really let Bai Yan defeat these people, then he will be very uncomfortable with this incident. .


Looking at the middle-aged man standing beside him, Lin’s look slowly relaxed.

The subordinates are so powerful, the strength of this man is bound to be extremely strong, and it must die... The strength of Bai Yan is so strong that it is impossible to retreat!

"what happened?"

Suddenly, the sound of shaking the mountains and the mountains came, and everyone turned around and looked around.

Suddenly, I saw the drug disciples who had just rebelled down the mountain and turned back. Everyone was crying and stunned, and his eyes were filled with horror.

"What happened?" asked the elder of Lin, sinking his face.

"Worms... a lot of monsters!"

A disciple was so scared that he cried out: "We haven't had time to go down the mountain, and we have seen a lot of monsters rushing. Some of the brothers and sisters have been trampled to death by those monsters. We can't come back anymore." ......"

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