Just, what happened here? Why are the subordinates brought by this adult who have died so much...

As if thinking of something, the eyes of those disciples gathered in the face of Bai Yan, and the eyes were even worse.

White face?

How did this woman come back?

Just as these disciples were surprised, the group of monsters rushed, and as the frenzy surged, the entire mountain range shook.

at the same time……

A large black cloud flew outside the sky, and when the black cloud came to the forefront, it was discovered that these black clouds were composed of countless heads of birds and monsters, covering the entire sky with a cloud of black.

The wind swelled and the lightning flashed.

However, those lightnings, but not the monsters gathered in the sky, have disappeared only in the air...

Under the gust of wind, Bai Xiaochen is like a king, commanding the beasts.

"What are you still doing? Don't you go to help my mother? If the mother has lost a cold hair, be careful that the bad guys have licked your skin!"


All the beasts listened to them, and quickly rushed toward the group of gray robes. Even though the strength of the robes was strong, it was difficult to match so many monsters. Some people were torn into pieces under the minions.

The middle-aged man's face became more and more gloomy. He couldn't hold back any more, and he screamed: "Take me all!"

The beasts did not listen to the words of the middle-aged man, still biting the group of gray robes.

Not a moment, the group of gray robes were not even left by the beasts of the beasts!

"Uncle Uncle, not long ago, some people in the spiritual world went to the demon world to confuse, and they wanted to recover me." Bai Xiaochen’s face was smiling with a big smile. "However, you are far worse than those people. I don’t have to use my strength to deal with these strengths. These monsters are enough to deal with your subordinates."

The same as the spiritual environment, but also the strength and weakness, the reason why the girl who rushed to the demon world, because of the people she carried, is also the strong in the territory of the spirit.

And these subordinate men of middle-aged men are nothing...

"And..." Bai Xiaochen’s eyes showed a sly smile. "You are not just yelling at you, so I bullied me for my grandfather. Now I want to compare with you. Are you more people or more people?"

If these monsters are one-on-one, they are certainly not the opponents of this group of gray robes, but unfortunately...

The mainland today is not only the beast of the beast of the beast, but even the people of the demon world can come to the mainland.

Therefore, the number of these monsters is tens of thousands, how can you not deal with this group of gray people?

"I let you stop!"

The middle-aged man ignored Bai Xiaochen at all, his eyes always looked at the group of monsters who were eating the body, his eyes suddenly red, raising his hand and picking up a hurricane.

At the outermost periphery, the monsters did not have the power to resist. In this hurricane, they were smashed out, and the wolverines fell on the ground, and a slamming sound stirred up the dust.

"You step back!"

Bai Yan looked coldly at the middle-aged man, and crossed a murderous plane in the red eyes.

When the white face fell, the group of monsters suddenly closed their mouths and dispersed toward the back, leaving only the bones of the earth to be shocked.

At this moment, everyone did not feel a chill, especially those who were afraid of death and abandoned the drug door, could not help but step back.

They are afraid that these monsters will swarm and let them become this strange bone...

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