"Accounting for your knowledge, knowing that it is not my opponent, so let these monsters retreat, so I can give you a chance to keep the whole body."

The middle-aged man raised his eyes slightly, and a cold mangling emerged from the bottom of his eyes. He was surrounded by thick murderousness, making the whole mountain sinister and terrifying.

"No, you are wrong," Bai Yan sneered. "I let them back, in order to avoid unnecessary casualties, to deal with you, only need me enough!"

The middle-aged man's face suddenly changed, and the ironic cold voice: "The pearl of the grain of the district, and dare to compete with the sun and the moon, I really don't know the so-called! You want to find death, I will meet your needs!"

When the words fell, he moved.

As he moves, the breeze rushes and picks up his clothes.

His speed is extremely fast, and it is enough to describe it with lightning. It has already reached the front of Bai Yan in an instant.

The powerful pressure seems to be like a giant mountain, and the low voice is condescending. His indifferent eyes are like watching a dead person.

White face staring blankly at the man who had already reached the front, and at the moment he took the palm, he was already on the side of his body, and he easily escaped.

At the same time, the swordsman in his hand swayed and sharply fell to the middle-aged man.

The middle-aged man was shocked and passed away. Bai Yan’s swordsman slammed into the mountain not far away. Suddenly, the mountain was cut off by the waist and the bang fell to the ground.

Such high mountains, when they fall to the bottom of the mountain, they can feel the trembling of the mountains, the smoke and dust are floating, floating in the void.

The people are stunned.

Those who rebelled with the drug door twisted their heads stiffly, and the horrified eyes looked at the mountain peaks that were cut off behind them, and then they looked at the white face and swallowed hard.

This woman... How can strength become so powerful?

It is a pity that no matter how strong she is, she cannot be the opponent of this middle-aged man.

Everyone can only comfort themselves so much in their hearts, but the panic in their eyes has already betrayed them.

"This girl..." Bai Changfeng’s staring at the broken mountain peak, helplessly smiled. "It seems that I am really old. In the future, this continent is the world of young people."

Elder Qi also eased his emotions from the initial tension. He smiled and said: "What is this what the doorkeeper said? How many young people under the world can compare with Miss Zhang? Only the lord is so wise. The talented person can give birth to such a peerless genius."

This said that in the heart of Bai Changfeng, he smiled a few times: "Haha, yes, under the heavens, who can compare with my granddaughter? If Ninger learns about Yan’s achievements today, he will be very pleased. ......"

"And, I have said long ago, those who are rebellious drugs will inevitably regret it!" The elders saw that the fear in Bai Changfeng’s heart disappeared, replaced by full of pride and pride, and he did not feel that he would turn his eyes. Lin Elder and others, ironic.

Lin’s elders swelled, and he simply broke the cans and broke his teeth. “How do you know that Bai Yan will win? She just cut off a mountain. It’s nothing! She didn’t have the ability to fight this adult!”

The elders snorted and turned their heads. Instead of paying attention to the elders of Lin, they turned their eyes on Bai Yan.

Don’t look at the elders’ words, but actually to reconcile the white wind. In fact, his heart is shaking. After all, the middle-aged man’s strength is really strong. Bai Yan’s genius is just in his early twenties. The little girl is gone...

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