Compared with the tension of the drug door, the middle-aged man frowned, and his look changed from the initial disdain to the cautious.

Just as he hesitated, I don’t know when Bai Yan had appeared in front of him. The sword in her hand exudes a sly coldness. It is actually making his scalp numb, his body rushing past, avoiding this cold and arrogant. Sword gas.


A loud noise rang again, and another mountain was cut off under the sword. It was only the peak that fell this time, but it did not fall to the ground, but it was turned into a crush in midair, and then fell to the bottom of the mountain...

Everyone felt a chilly sigh in the back, and the coldness was sensational, as if the whole body was covered in ice and snow, cold hair.

The middle-aged man was amazed. In an instant, Bai Yan’s long sword waved, and numerous swords and spurs came. The swordsmanship burst into flames.

His face finally became pale, and he swept through the sword array, trying to dodge these chilly swords.


Under the attack of so many swords, the middle-aged man's body is extremely embarrassed, his robes are sloppy, and his scars are scarred.

He bit his teeth, his eyes staring at the white face, which was close at hand, and a blood rushed out of his throat. His body almost couldn't help but fall to the ground.

Fortunately, the Jianfeng finally dissipated, and the long sword in his hand was forcefully inserted into the ground, with a trace of blood on his mouth.

"Just, when you were facing my subordinates, you still didn't have all the strength, hahaha!" The middle-aged man laughed twice and hated the face in front of him. "This time, count I planted it!"

He confessed that he did not get in the way, but he wrecked those who had rebelled.

When the middle-aged man couldn't fight, the elder Lin was already anxiously pale. Now he hears that he has already admitted, and his body has been shaken a few times, almost fell to the ground.

"Wu Daren, how can you lose? The strength of this woman is the clearest, she is just a respectful! Even our door is not as good as her, she can never defeat your strength!"

Yes, Bai Yan is just bluffing, it is impossible to be the opponent of these strong!

If you say that this person really lost... then his end, it must be miserable!

The joy of Qi’s face has not yet disappeared, and he heard the words of Elder Lin. His eyes were red and angry. He said: “What do you say? How can Miss Zhang not win? Don’t forget You were also the elder of the medicine door!"

From the beginning to the end, Bai Yan did not say a word, she coldly fell to the middle-aged man in front of the wolf, the voice was light: "I only ask you, why do you want to find the medicine door in your spiritual environment..."

The middle-aged man trembled and he gnawed his teeth.

"I don't want to say?" Bai Yanyang sneered. "Since you don't want to say it, then it doesn't matter if I keep you. Oh, yes, I will never kill the soul, I will let you fly away, never reincarnation." Opportunity."

The middle-aged man groaned and raised his head in horror. He looked at the domineering face in front of him, and his heart shuddered.

If this woman says something, she will do it...

"I... I said, I don't know the specific things. It is the family who sent me to come, not just the medicine door. The Holy Land and the Magic House have what they want, so he sent us to occupy this. local……"

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