"And," Chu turned his head and looked at Chu’s clothes. "You should also know that there are stronger strong people in this world. You may have to leave you forever when you have one. If there is one day, I hope." If you can obey the words of Bai Yan, the girl said that his temper is not good, but ... he is the most trustworthy person besides your brother, you will not suffer from following her."

Chu Yiyi’s heart trembled. She has been playing games for years.

Now, for the first time, there is a strong impulse...

In the past, she always felt that no matter what the disaster, there were fathers and brothers to clean up her mess, and Bai Yan gave her support, she was fearless.

Until that scene... she realized that the original strength is so important...

"Oh, I understand."

She must become stronger, and only strengthen herself to protect the holy land for her father.

Perhaps Churan did not think that this time the invasion of foreign enemies would change the mindset of Chu Yiyi.

In her eyes, she is shining with perseverance...


Magic City.

The king's family is a ruin.

Bai Yan walked through the broken threshold and came in. After seeing the disastrous image of the Wang family, her heart did not feel awkward.

Inside the door, the blood flowed into the river, and countless corpses piled up inside the door, letting Bai Yan’s face suddenly sink.

Bai Xiaochen followed him and he came in. He saw the blood of the court at a glance. His little face turned white and panicked and ran in.

"Wang Xiaopang, Wang Xiaoyu, Wang Shushu!"

Bai Xiaochen ran wildly to each room, looking for the two familiar partners, but he rummaged through all the rooms and bodies, and did not see Wang Deqiu and Wang Xiaofu brothers and sisters.


He turned back to Bai Yan's side, tears in his eyes, and his face was pale and pale.

"Wang Xiaopeng and Wang Xiaoyu are gone, Wang Shushu is no longer, will they have an accident? Morning is so worried..."

Bai Yan gently licked the head of Bai Xiaochen: "It is a good thing not to see them, which proves that they are still alive."


Bai Xiaochen's tearful eyes appeared a hint of hope, and the mother said that it was true that they did not see their bodies in these people, they must still be alive.

Suddenly, there was a noise from the firewood house not far away. Just now Bai Xiaochen only searched the rooms and rooms, and did not go to the firewood room.

Therefore, after hearing this noise, Bai Yan’s eyes did not look toward the firewood room.

"The firewood room seems to be someone."

Bai Yan lowered his voice, holding Bai Xiaochen in one hand, and holding Xiao Longer’s hand again. He said: "Go, let's go see."

The firewood house is not very far from them. Otherwise, Bai Yan will not hear the movement of the firewood house.

Bai Yan walked outside the firewood door and reached out to the door with a hand, and slammed, the door of the firewood room was pushed open.

Inside the firewood room.

Before the haystack, an eight- or nine-year-old girl shuddered and curled into a ball. She still had a kitchen knife in her hand, her face was full of tears, and her eyes were full of horror.

"Little sister?"

After Bai Xiaochen saw the little girl with a pale face, he snorted and surprised.

Wang Xiaoyu discovered that several acquaintances appeared at the door. The chopper flower in his hand fell. She wowed and burst into tears, and rushed toward Bai Xiaochen.

"Brother... my brother, he was taken away by the bad guys, and he was also forced to leave. Oh, I am so scared, I am so scared..."

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