Her little body was stunned, apparently frightened, and the tears and snots wiped Bai Xiaochen.

Bai Xiaochen saw the little girl who wiped the tears on his body. The cute brows wrinkled and subconsciously retreated.

"Small sister, don't be afraid, my mother and I are here to save Wang Xiaopang and Wang Shushu. You tell me what is going on."

Wang Xiaoyu released Bai Xiaochen, and her tears were vague: "I don't know what happened. Before a group of bad guys rushed in, let the cockroaches open into the door of the illusion, and refused, those people killed me. The Wang family also took the brother away and forced him to squat. I was hidden by my brother. He told me not to make a sound, but I just heard a voice outside and was shocked. I accidentally made a move..."

But she did not expect to come to Bai Yan and Bai Xiaochen, otherwise she would not hide.

“Wang Deqiu and Wang Xiaopeng are in the illusion?” Bai Yan’s brow wrinkled, looking down at the little dragon standing next to him. “Longer, it’s not convenient for us to go to the illusion with this girl. Can you leave it? I look after her?"

"Okay," Xiaolonger said with a sweet smile, and said well, "The queen, Longer will protect her, and you and Prince Edward will go down."



Wang Xiaoyu had a beautiful big eyes, and seemed to doubt the name of Xiaolonger’s white Xiaochen.

She remembers that Bai Xiaochen’s embarrassment is Wang Ye, then when did he become a prince?

"Morning, let's save the king."

Bai Yan took the hand of Bai Xiaochen and then stroked the head of Xiaolonger: "Wait for me to come back."

"Well," Xiaolonger nodded desperately. "I will wait here for the Queen, and I will not go anywhere."

For Xiao Longer, Bai Yan is very reassured. Apart from the late opening of this girl, she has no other problems, and it is not as easy as Chu clothing.

Therefore, after she smiled a little, she took Bai Xiaochen and walked outside the door. In the blink of an eye, she disappeared into the afternoon sun...

Because Bai Yan had traveled to the Magic House through the Wang family, she walked to the tall copper door.

Fortunately, this bronze door is still open, but it saves her thoughts and goes straight into the bronze door.

Because this is the second time that Bai Yan entered the illusion, coupled with the improvement of strength, she did not enter the last stunned past, and watched herself land on the familiar back mountain...


Bai Xiaochen held the hand of Bai Yan tightly and turned to look at the woman beside him: "Are we going to find Zhongnan Shigong and Zhongbei Shigong?"

"There has been such a big thing in the illusion, they must have gone to the government, we will go directly."

When he said this, Bai Yan had already picked up Bai Xiaochen, and quickly flew away from the back hill and headed for the direction of the government.


on the street.

The corpse is everywhere.

The illusion was guarded by a group of guards in the middle, and the urgent forehead took a layer of cold sweat. She squeezed the powder punch tightly, and the heart mentioned the blind eyes.

"Zhao Hufa was ordered, but anyone who is a phantom, one must not let go!"

The opposite person raised his hand and gave a light command.

The guards next to the phantom voice will see the enemy will start to work, quickly pull up the weapon, with a killing word falling, the two sides have been killed.

Even the people in the government office are not the opponents of this group of people, let alone the illusionist guards?

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