"Oh, I am hurt, I can't move on the bed, but nothing, he can't die."

"What are you doing here?" Bai Xiaochen asked with a frown.

Uncle Wang was injured, Wang Xiaopeng did not take care of him, what is it here?

"I want to see... can there be a place to help." Wang Xiaopeng apologized and bowed his head.

If it wasn't for him to be caught, his father wouldn't open the door to the phantom for him, so that... let the illusion of blood flow into the river.

In fact, what Wang Xiaopeng doesn't know is that even if there is no Wang Deqiu, when they die, the gates of this illusion will be opened easily, so whether or not they are there, the illusion will eventually encounter this disaster.

Just because Wang Xiaopeng didn’t know anything, he was filled with blame and kept hiding in the hall to find a chance to help. Unfortunately, he never found a chance...

"Yan, morning!"

Wen Yunfeng coughed again, and his words also took back Bai Xiaochen’s gaze from Wang Xiaopeng.

"You... cough..." He just said two words and coughed again.

At this time, Bai Yan also knew the treatment of the drug, quickly snapped into his mouth.

The entrance to the medicinal herb was turned into a warm current, warming his internal organs, and actually made his body feel a little better.

"Oh, the Holy Land and the Medicine Gate have also suffered the same disaster as the Magic House."


Wen Wuwei exclaimed, he first resisted the long sword, and then turned his eyes to Bai Yan: "The old man who has my family and the Holy Land can have something?"

"They are fine. If they can have something, will I still appear here?" Bai Yan smiled lightly and slowly turned around. The sharp and sword-like sight fell on Zhao Huofa.

When Zhao Hufa heard her words, she was shocked and stabilized.

To the drug door, it is the Wu Yue of the Wu family. If the drug door is safe and sound, is it not to prove that the elder Wu Yue has an accident?

How can this...?

It must be that the drug door and the holy land have been completely annihilated. This woman took the opportunity to run out, so she was alarmed.

"Little girl, lying is not a good thing. Today's holy place and medicine door are already the world of our family. Similarly, the illusion is no exception." Zhao Hufa sneered, he stood in the crowd, but there is one The feeling of standing out.

Compared with those who are full of murderous, his expression is light and proud, and there is even more disdain on his face.

"Morning, you take care of your grandfather."

Bai Yan threw the Yun Yunfeng and others to Bai Xiaochen, and his body flashed into a lightning bolt, rushing to the Zhao Zhifa within the crowd.

His strength is obviously a step worse than Wu Yue, so he did not respond until Bai Yan arrived in front of him...

Immediately, he only knew that a cold man had penetrated his neck, and the blood flowed out in an instant, like a blood column smashing into the air, pouring into the sky.

The people who were still fighting stopped the action, and everyone turned stiffly and looked at the stunning red woman.

She stood in the wind and the dress was red and beautiful, and blood sprinkled on her clothes, adding more glamour to her.

Zhao Hufa is dead?

Even more, they could not see her shot, Zhao Huofa has fallen into a pool of blood?

Everyone’s heart shuddered and a word emerged – escape!

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