Everyone saw that the situation was not good, and they all turned away from scattered everywhere.

Bai Yan sneered and looked at the crowds who were scattered around. She did not move one step, but raised her hand shallowly...

In an instant, countless swords that were condensed with the air suddenly formed, and a slamming sound chased toward the scattered people.

The bright red blood sprinkled from the void and landed on the ground. Those who fled were pierced under her sword, and the body fell heavily on the ground. No one could escape...

I heard the indescribable look of the peerless woman in the red dress, with shock and error in her eyes.

This is his granddaughter, Yunfeng’s biological daughter.

Her strength has been strong enough to surpass the imagination of the world. Perhaps no one is her opponent in this world...


Wen Yunfeng was the first to slow down, and the handsome face showed a touch of joy: "When did you break through this strength? Just scared me."

"Hey," Bai Yan walked slowly to Wen Yunfeng. Her eyes were filled with a faint smile. "My strength is still nothing. I want to find my mother. I still have a long way to go." beat……"

No matter how difficult this road is, she will not give up.

Wen Yunfeng’s heart trembled, Xu was thinking of Bai Ning, who was still missing, and he gently sighed: “Yan, then, what are your plans?”

"Hey, you should know that I had a younger brother in the White House of the Fire Country. Now he goes out to practice and his whereabouts are unknown. I have to go to him first."

"and many more!"

In the moment when Bai Yan’s words fell, the sound of inaction suddenly came: “You can’t leave now.”


The sound of Wen Yunfeng and the sound of the search for joy sounded at the same time, and even Jun Tianyue raised his eyebrows and turned his head to look at the inaction.

I heard that these people misunderstood him, and his old face did not feel a bitter smile.

"These people came to the illusion to occupy my illusion, and he sent people to the Holy Land and the Medicine Gate, so... maybe I can guess what they mean."

Bai Yan turned around and her eyes locked tightly and said nothing: "Do you know what they mean?"

"Yes, but this thing, I need to wait for Chu Ran and Bai Changfeng to come to tell you, I believe they are now on the road to the illusion," Wen Wuwei coughed twice, "In addition, a few days... It’s your grandma’s birthday, or will you wait for your grandmother’s birthday to pass?”

Jun Tianyue swept his eyes and heard nothing: "If Yan Er wants to go to her younger brother, let her go first, not to mention my birthday is not only this year, but she will come back to congratulate me in the coming year."

She didn't want to delay her face for herself.

Bai Yan did not expect that the birthday of Jun Tianyue was coming, her expression was stunned, and she was silent for a while. She said: "I am not in a hurry. If my grandma’s birthday is over, I can stay with my child for a few days. I also want to know what the people of Lingjing have to come here."

When I heard that Wu Yan was willing to stay, my heart was relieved. Since she recognized this granddaughter on the same day, she has not stayed in the illusion, let alone cultivate her feelings.

So this time he wanted to leave her for a few days.

"Mother," Bai Xiaochen pulled the hand of Bai Yan, innocently said, "Let's go see Wang Shushu, he is injured, and definitely needs the treatment of the mother."

"it is good."

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