Bai Yan nodded slightly: "Little fat, where are you now?"

"Bai Yan sister, I will take you to find me, he will be very happy to see you." Wang Xiaopeng's chubby little face raised a smile, his eyes were squeezed by the flesh and only left a gap, walked up The road came to the flesh and fluttered, like a few pounds of meat at any time.

Bai Yan looked at Wang Xiaopeng's back: "I haven't seen it for a while, Wang Xiaopeng is a little fatter. When he goes on like this, his body will be greatly affected. When I have time to study the slimming medicine, let him No longer so obese."

It is imperative that it is most important to cure Wang Deqiu first.

Wang Deqiu was arranged in the courtyard, some distance from the main courtyard, and Bai Yan walked for a few minutes before going to that place.

Along the way, Wang Xiaopeng is always beside Bai Yan, perhaps only with her, will make him feel safe.

"Bai Yan sister, fortunately, the medicinal medicine that you sold to the Wang family in that year was very effective. I only saved a life. Otherwise, he was killed by the group." Wang Xiaopeng smiled Go ahead.

Not a moment, I have already walked outside the door.

Bai Yan pushed in and entered the middle-aged man lying in bed.

His face was pale and bloodless. Even though he had the medicinal life of Bai Yan, he still suffered a slight injury.

"You don't have any major events. I will give him another medicinal medicine. After taking it, I will take a moment to cultivate it." Bai Yan saw Wang Deqiu still alive, and he subconsciously breathed a sigh of relief. "Yes, chubby, your sister and Xiaolonger." Still at the king's house, you pick them up with the morning child."

She left nothing in a short period of time. If she didn't go back for a few days, it would be inevitable that Xiaolong would be in a hurry, so she asked Wang Xiaopeng to pick her up.

"Mother, you can rest assured that I and Wang Xiaopang will go to Xiaolonger and Xiaoxiao's sister."

Bai Xiaochen’s voice is childish, and a puffy face is very cute and innocent.


Bai Yan licked the white head of Xiao Baichen and smiled.

Bai Xiaochen hugged the white face with two small hands, and this was reluctant to loosen. He turned to look at Wang Xiaopeng, and the young age has already revealed the domineering color.

"Wang Xiaopang, let's go."

Wang Xiaopeng stared at this still young face, always feeling that Bai Xiaochen seems to be somewhat different from more than half a year ago...

At that time, he was just a witty child, but now he is like a king...

Yes, his look and temperament are like kings who are tall and high, and they are domineering and arrogant.

If it weren't the tender face, Wang Xiaopang couldn't believe it. This is just a child under the age of seven...

Just as Wang Xiaopeng hesitated the change of Bai Xiaochen, he had already taken him out of the door and quickly ran outside the house.

In the blink of an eye, the two figures disappeared into the eyes of Bai Yan...


Wang family.

Wang Xiaoyu looked worriedly at the closed door. She licked her lips tightly and did not scream.

Xiao Longer didn't know where to find the pastry, and stuffed it into her mouth. She stuffed her food in her mouth, and she did not forget the accent to comfort Wang Xiaoyu.

"You don't have to worry about your home, the queen and the prince are very powerful, there are no enemies they can't cope with."

In the little heart of Xiao Longer, Bai Yan is the invincible existence, and Bai Xiaochen, who is the son of Bai Yan, naturally inherits her fine blood.

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