Under the encirclement of the people, the pig's body receded, his eyes horrified and panicked, and some hard to swallow.

At this moment, Mo Liyi had already walked to the side of the pig. He quickly hugged the pig from the ground and protected it in his arms. The vigilant eyes looked at the group of people in front of him.

"You, a good man, why do you want to be with a monster, or is it so stupid? If you are willing to bring this monster out, I will let you live!"

The head of the big man moved forward two steps, and the look was cold.

The pink piglet gave him a look.

You are stupid, your family is stupid!

It is clearly the smartest pig in the world! How do those stupid monsters compare to it?

"Ink is away from the hustle and bustle," Bai Yan took the hand of Xiaolonger and walked to the side of the ink, and asked, "What happened?"

Ink licked the pale pink lips: "Before I took the piglet to this place, this group of people forced me to hand over the pig. The pig is my loved one. I can't hand it over. They are besieging me."

Bai Yan Shuguang is cold: "You leave the pig with you first, I will stop them."

"I don't," Mo Yan shook his head. "The disaster is caused by me and the little pig. I can't let Yan Yan give me support. I am a man. I should protect my face."

As a man, how can he let a woman protect him? It should be up to him to guard Yan Yancai!

"Hey, come two humans again," Dahan's eyes crossed a cold mang, ironic smile. "Little girl, why are you human beings, why should you leave with these daughters? We will not start with humans."

In other places, the coexistence of humans and monsters is a normal thing, but here is the border between the demon world and the realm. Since the demon seal was lifted, riots often occur.

Therefore, these human beings hate the monsters, and the monsters who see the orders will not let go.


Xiao Longer is a human figure after all. Before she did not shoot, it is difficult for ordinary people to realize that she is also a monster.


The pigs saw more of their own rescuers. They arrogantly licked their mouths toward the human beings. They also spit out a mouthful of water, and the big Hans were all stained.

Dahan wiped the saliva on his face, and his forehead was violently violent. He said: "Looking for death! I dare to be so arrogant in the human territory. I will turn you into a roast suckling pig tonight! Brothers, we are bullied by the beast. For a few months, now is the time for our revenge!"

With his command, a group of people have surrounded Bai Yan and others in the middle.

Bai Yan Shuguang looked around, she used the consciousness to explore the strength of this group of people, and figured out that she had some odds.

Some of these people have reached the Holy Order, and the great man is already a holy step, and this strength should be among the best in the border town.

Although I have just reached the beginning of the holy step, if I rely on the bone spurs, there is still 80% confidence in these people.

And if the other party has no artifacts, then her grasp is 100%.

For a moment, Bai Yan figured out the power of everyone. She browed and sneered at her lips.

"Who killed your loved ones, who you are looking for is revenge, the pig is my friend's pet, you want to kill her, I will never allow it!"

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