Bai Yan loosened Xiao Longer’s hand and slowly stepped forward.

The red dress was blocked in the body of the ink, and the light wind blew through, the blue silk fluttered, and she was beautiful and fascinated.

"Hey!" Dahan snorted and waved the big knife in his hand to Bai Yan. A force like a whirlwind flashed, and it was already in front of Bai Yan in an instant.

A loud bang, set off a strong storm, the woman standing in the storm is still not dust, red clothes flying, domineering.

In her hand, holding a spur, the spur is very small and sharp, and only a little bigger than her hand.

It was just such a bone spur that blocked the knife of the big man.

Dahan’s heart was shocked, and a nearly distorted face was full of mistakes. His forehead didn’t feel a cold sweat, and his eyes stared at the spurs held by Bai Yan in his hands.

"This bone spur... is an artifact?"

In addition to artifacts, what else can exert such great power?

Thinking of this, Dahan’s eyes flashed a greed, and the gaze of the spurs was full of desire for encroachment.

"Brothers and sisters, this woman will hand it over to me. You will immediately catch the boy and the pig, and the little girl!"

Dahan snorted and sneered at Bai Yan. His gaze was chilly and his face was horrible.

Others have also made movements, especially those in the crowd who took the lead in attacking the ink.

Ink's footsteps were a little flustered, facing the people who came from the attack. He didn't know where to take out a sword and resisted the attack.

In the battle with the Dahan, Bai Yan looked back at the ink, and then saw the strength of the eruption of the ink, her heart sank.

This ink is far away... has the power of the holy order?

At that time, why did she fall seriously at the foot of the medicine? Why did you lose all your memories?

What is the meaning of his appearance?


Bai Yan could not continue to think because he saw some people attacking the little dragon who was standing in a daze.

"Dragon, get out!"

Bai Yan’s face changed and he hurriedly shouted.

Xiaolonger stared at the sword in front of him, as if he was scared and stupid.


Just as the long sword was about to fall on her, she finally slowed down, and raised her hand in a panic, and slammed, the strong man in front of her was pushed back by her.

"You guys, this group of bad guys, go away! Don't bully the mother!"

Xiao Longer’s body was like a lightning bolt, rushing toward Bai Yan. Her little face was full of anger, and a pair of black scorpions gradually became white.

"Bad guys, bullies are bad guys! I want to eat you!"


A scream of the dragon shook the world.

Xiaolong’s figure was gradually lengthened, but in a moment, a white dragon appeared in the void, and she opened her mouth and swallowed a strong man in one bite.

"Longer wants to eat you!"

Its voice is not as innocent as it used to be, but it is dull and loud, and it sounds in the entire sky and spreads everywhere in the border town.

Ink was so shocked that he stopped the action, and looked at the white dragon, and the white face was full of shock.

The pig was even wide open, and he was so scared that he had shaken a few times. Fortunately, it did not provoke Xiaolonger, otherwise the estimate of being swallowed became it...

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