Demon mountain.

Within the cave of Shenfeng, a force came out and the entire cave was blown out.

The eyes of Xiao Longer and others were attracted to the past. In time, they saw the cave, and the woman in red was slowly stepping out.

She is beautiful and beautiful, like a peerless woman who came out of the painting, three thousand green silks have no wind and self-raising, and ink has been blind for a moment, and her eyes are not willing to move away from this stunning woman...

"the host."

Xiaomo shook his hand and pouted his mouth. The milky voice said: "You are staring at the maiden, and the old things beside you are about to tear you."

The color of the ink was so red that he saw the flying wing staring at him with angry eyes.

That look is like trying to smash him.

The flying wing snorted, and the queen was the wife of the king. This human kid dared to look at the queen with this kind of gaze...

If the king knows, he will not forgive him.

However, Mo Yiyi did not pay attention to this old thing, he greeted Bai Yan, a smile on the face of a doll.

"Yan Yan, have you broken through to the high order of the holy order?"

Bai Yan nodded slightly: "I am only one step away from the gods. Now it is not early, we will go back to the border town early."

Some accounts, it is time to liquidate with those people!

Bai Yan squinted her eyes, and a dangerous light flashed from the bottom of her eyes. She smiled coldly, and her lips screamed with Mori.

Since coming to this continent, she has been chased by human beings. It can be derived from the existence of Xiaochen, and has never been pursued by the beast.

This Hu family is the only one!

"Queen," Feiyi smiled and walked to Bai Yan's side, arched his fist and asked: "Do you need us to help?"

Bai Yan sneered: "To deal with those people, I am enough alone."

At that time, she was not strong enough to be forced to hide into the demon mountain. Now, she is capable enough and naturally needs to go back to revenge.

"But..." Bai Yan sounded a meal and looked back at the flying wing. "If the wing people want to follow, it is not impossible, but you don't have to do it."

The old face of the flying wing showed a smile: "The queen please rest assured that our wing will encourage Neville in the back, and will never arbitrarily."

"Then come with you."

Bai Yan took the hand of Xiao Longer, and the shallow hook hooked the corner of the lips: "Longer, let's go."

"Good." Xiao Longer's little face burst into a big smile.

She followed the pace of Bai Yan and went outside the mountain.

When I saw the ink, I was very slow. In order to catch up with the white face, he picked him up from the ground, and he quickly followed.

"What are you still doing?" The wing saw that Bai Yan and others had gone away, and squinted at the wing guards next to him. "I will immediately call the Wings owners and cheer for the Queen!"

Such an opportunity is in front of you, the flying wing can not be caught! If the Queen is pleased, their position in the demon world will rise.

More than the dragons are just around the corner...


Border town.

Inside the pub, there was a loud noise, and everyone was surrounded by a middle-aged man. He grew five big and three thick, and there was a big knife next to him.

"Wu Xiong, I heard that some time ago, you teamed up with Hu Baiwei to kill a woman?" The young man next to him laughed twice. "I don't know what the woman did, she can let you join forces with Hu Baiwei." ""

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