Wu Xiong satirically hooked his lips: "The woman is good with the demon, it is a traitor to our gods. For the traitor, naturally, you don't need to be polite. As for Hu Baiwei... I heard that the woman stole the Budweiser love. Female jade."

Everyone looked at each other, although they were extremely disgusted by the monsters, including the Hu family, but what they did not expect was that some people dared to go to the Hu family to steal.

The reason why this Hu family can stand on the edge of the city is because the Hu family has a strong senior of the Holy Order. So, what is the difference between going to Hu’s house and stealing?

"Right, Wu Xiong, Hu Baiwei, who has always been poisoned. After you joined him, he did not shoot for you after he succeeded?"

One person asked the doubts in everyone's mind.

The beast and the human beings have always been silent in this city, but... Hu Baiwei did not actually start Wu Xiong, it is really unsolvable.

Wu Xiong’s palm shook. In fact, after that day, he was very scared when he thought about it. On weekdays, he saw that Hu Weiwei was taking a detour. On that day, he did not know the courage to come. He persuaded Hu Baiwei to join him. .

Fortunately, Hu Baiwei was still trustworthy and did not start to deal with him at the last minute.

"Oh," Wu Xiong laughed. "Do you know the reason why Hu Baiwei came to the border town? I don't know the specific situation. I just heard that the purpose of Hu Baiwei was to conquer the border town and honor the king of the demon world. ""

"However, he doesn't need it now," Wu Xiong sighed. "I just got the news yesterday, Hu Weiwei's daughter Hu Mei, who is about to become the harem of the demon world."

The crowd is in vain.

They are true to the evil spirits, but as a practitioner, fear of the strong is also instinct.

The people of the gods in the border town dare to start with other monsters, but those who dare not move the foxes are afraid to provoke the demon kings.

After all, they heard that the king of the demon world was a **** powerhouse! In this abandoned border town, no one can stop the entrance to the demon kings.

"Wu Xiong, is this news true?" The young man browed and asked.

"When did my news have been faked? In this matter, I still heard on the street that the patriarch of the eagle called Hu Mei, Hu Mei is the life-saving person of the demon king, and Hu Mei is more with her own. According to what he said, she must be a enchanting woman."

Wu Xiong poured out the spirits in his throat. Haha smiled twice: "Although I hate the monsters, I have to admit that this monster has always been respectful and honorful. With this kind of help, she became a enchanting It’s amazing.”

When I heard Wu Xiong’s words, everyone was silent for a moment. They even thought about how to treat this Hu family. If the horse was really smashed, maybe the entire border town would not exist...

"If people who are not in the realm of God have abandoned us, we will not be so passive. Even a monster will not dare to deal with it."

The young man sighed and his eyes filled with helplessness.

Wu Xiong was planning to say a few more words. With a bang, the door of the pub was flung out by one foot, and the pub in front of the door was instantly smashed out and pressed under the door panel.

Wu Xiong violently took the case and stood up: "Which **** dared to come to Laozi's pub to make trouble?"

Outside the pub, the sun pulls the shadows outside the house very long.

The girl in the red dress was holding a pink jade girl and came in.

The breeze lifted her clothes, the sun shrouded her face, and the blue silk flew.

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