Bai Yan’s hand was half-headed, and she smiled lightly and lazy.

"Since the demon seal has been lifted, the war between your borders and the monsters... seems to be endless, and your hands are contaminated with the blood of those monsters?"

The hearts of the people in the pub are all trembled. I don't understand what Bai Yan asked.

The monsters are dirty things, and they are not wrong when they kill the monsters.

What's more, those monsters are too high, and more are suicide after being arrested. Therefore, even if they are contaminated with blood, they have nothing to do with them.


I think there are many monsters beside Bai Yan, and these words are not dare to say them.

Bai Yan put the little dragon sitting on the lap on the ground. She slowly stood up and sneered at the red lips, glaring at the chill.

"Unfortunately, this person has always been a short guardian, and the demon of the demon world is my subordinate. He is busy preparing for the battle with the gods. He has no time to deal with this border. Then I naturally have to deal with these things for him. ""

Everyone was stunned, and the shocked eyes fell on Bai Yan.

Emperor Cang? Why is this name so familiar?


What did she say? Want to fight the gods? This is a joke.

What is the realm of the gods, a group of monsters, can also fight against those big gods in the realm of the gods?

"Grandma, how can you let us go?"

A man in a linen robes shivered and asked.

He doesn't care what the demon world is going to do now, he just wants to know how he can save this life.

"It’s not impossible to live," said Bai Yan, a robbed man who stared at the questioning, sneer. "You owe the Orcs, you must repay them with your life. In this life, you all have to be slaves to the demon world! For generations, you can't escape this bondage!"

If you owe the debt, you have to pay it back with your life!

The demon world is her subordinate. If the subordinate is guilty of wrong, she has to punish herself, and no one is qualified to move her.

not to mention……

The war at the border is nothing but a struggle between the two parties. The monsters are fighting for the demon world, and she must avenge the lost subordinates!

"Grandma, you still kill me."

The robe man was crying with a face, and he was a slave for generations. It is better to kill him directly and give him a better and better life.

Bai Yan’s hands clasped his chest and raised his eyebrows: “Little Dragon, the person you just swallowed, can you still be alive?”

"Oh," Xiao Longer blinked. "No mother kissed you to help me digest. It is estimated that I will melt his legs now. It should be... still alive."

"Can you spit it out?"

Bai Yan asked an eyebrow.

Xiao Longer is a good boy who is obedient. She even shows her skill by action. A small mouth slowly grows bigger. The middle-aged man who was swallowed by her was sprayed out.

His body is still full of saliva and stomach acid. The legs are melted and only the skeleton is left. His body is constantly moving in the green liquid, and the face is distorted by pain.

The crowd was quiet in an instant, and the static needle was audible.

This man is still alive?

In other words, he is living and watching himself melt from his legs, without melting into the heart, he will not die?

But the process of melting is extremely long, and how much pain and fear does he have to bear in this long process?

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