Everyone no longer has the heart to look at the scene, subconsciously twisting their heads, their eyes are obviously with horror and fear...

At this moment, the woman’s indifferent voice came, and for a moment, their hearts leaped wildly and almost jumped out of their hearts.

"Little Dragon, this man has too much filth and will make you eat bad stomach, but this is good. There are many people in this pub, you can use it as much as you like."

This time, the man in the robes who had previously asked Bai Yan was completely scared and cried.

"Grandma, I just made a joke. It’s really a joke. Isn’t it a slave? The big men of the gods didn’t look at us. We are the same slaves. Please don’t let her. Eat me..."

What is fear of death?

The terrible thing is that they will watch their bodies gradually dissolve, and they will not be able to survive.

In this way, it is better to be a slave, at least not to suffer such pain.

Xiao Longer was looking at the group with her eyes glowing. When she heard the man in the robe, she slammed her mouth and turned to the white face.

"Mother, this man wants to be a slave to you, Longer will not eat him for a while, can other people eat it for Longer? Longer has been hungry for many days."

"When I closed, the flying wing didn't give you food to eat?" Bai Yan lowered his throat, Wen Wen asked, and the previous domineering arrogance was two.

Xiao Longer shook his head pitifully.

"Hey, after you have done this, you want to eat anything." Bai Yanyang smiled and gently touched Xiaolong's head, and his eyes swept to other people in the pub.

"As for these people, if you are disobedient, you can eat them and don't spit them out."

Her voice seems to have sentenced the group to death.

The bodies of the people shook a few times. They looked at the middle-aged man who was squirming on the ground, and then looked at the white face that smiled lightly, and a chill came from the sole of the foot to the heart.

"Master, I... I am willing to be a slave to you, beg you to let me go."

"Hey, I don't want to be the food of this little girl, I am very obedient, don't let her eat me..."

At this moment, everyone was frightened, even though some of them had been subjected to killing and persecution, but they had never been so frightened.

This method of death is too cruel, cruel to them unacceptable.

"No," Bai Yan smiled and licked his lips. "Your masters are not me, but the monsters. After that, they are your masters, and you must serve them all your life."

In this world, this is the weak meat. The strength of the monster is not as good as that of human beings. But when it is hit by humans, it will be killed, and the beasts of their beasts will be taken away in exchange for wealth.

Later, in order to obtain the forgiveness of Emperor Cang, the Hu family came to the border town and wanted to send the entire border city to Emperor Cang.

However, their arrival is only a persecution of the people in the border town who dare not be brazen. There will still be monsters killed by human beings and peeled and cut.


The people who were threatened were the humans in the border town. They also became like the monsters of the day and became the lambs to be slaughtered.


Xiao Longer pulled the sleeves of the white face, and her bright eyes looked at her: "Mother is not sad, Longer will help the mother to protect the demon world together."

Bai Yan smiled and touched the head of Xiao Longer.

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