The scarlet light swirls around Wanda like a fairy.

The jumping light shines all around, and the red hooded coat looks scarlet at this moment.

Under the bright light, the light yellow hair is rendered red.

The delicate face is even more beautiful at this moment.

"What a nice view……"

Gwen looked at this scene, her eyes widened in admiration.

Scarlet Witch at this moment was just like Freya in the myth.

"Scarlet Witch is really more attractive!"

Hodder stared at Wanda floating in the air and sighed.

It must be said that Wanda is more charming at this time.

He finally understood why most people think that witches are more attractive after they turn evil.

Wanda opened her arms, and scarlet light spread toward the fire scene like a tide.

Under the suppression of the scarlet light, the howling flames were gradually suppressed.

Even the surrounding black smoke was compressed into a ball by the power of chaos magic.

As the scarlet light compressed inside, Wanda's expression became more solemn.

This is a large-scale manipulation of chaos magic, which requires extremely delicate operation.


Fine beads of sweat covered her forehead, and Wanda kept moving her hands.

When she was in Germany, she had tried to compress the explosion, but that had caused extremely serious consequences.

She could even clearly feel the emotions of everyone around her. Their hearts were filled with pain, despair, and fear...

The appearance of these scenes caused chaos in the chaos magic she controlled, and even the originally suppressed flames spread outward at this time.

Hod frowned slightly as he looked at the painful look on Wanda's face in front of him.

He knew very well that it was not difficult to do all this with the power of the Scarlet Witch.

The real difficulty now was how Wanda could overcome the obstacles in her heart.

This was not something he could help with, and she could only rely on herself to overcome this difficulty.

He controlled his body and floated to Wanda's side.

"Forget the past, now only you can save them, think about what I said before"

"In fact, this is nothing to you. Believe me, you will never fail!"

Hod's deep voice sounded in Wanda's ears.

Wanda did not look back, but she knew that Hod was standing beside her.

She could even clearly smell the familiar cologne on Hod's body under the burning temperature of the flames.


Wanda took a deep breath, and her eyes gradually became firm.


That's right!

Now she is the only one who can save the people inside, and she is the only one who has the ability to do so.

Whether she tries or not, this is her only choice now.

Even if she wants to retreat now, it's too late, so she can only try her best.

Her thoughts returned to last night, and what Hood said flashed through her mind.

"Chaos magic is not purely destructive, it can also create and change everything!"

"So I can definitely do it! Create everything!"

Every time Wanda thought of a detail, the scarlet light became more brilliant.

She kept pressing her hands, and the scarlet light flowed more smoothly in her hands.

As if this was a matter of course.

As the light became more brilliant, Wanda's heart became more determined.

The fire that had already begun to spread was compressed at a faster rate.


With a humming sound, the strange scarlet light suddenly erupted like a tide.

The fluctuating scarlet light surged towards the entire block.

Just like a wave, the entire block was shrouded in red light.

Even the color of the sky turned scarlet at this time.

Looking from below, it was like a red ocean.

"What is this? Is this Scarlet Witch's power?"

"This is so beautiful, can even the world change for it?"

"I didn’t expect that superheroes possess such powerful strength!"

"Is she going to destroy the whole block like last time?"

No one knew who said this, but the originally dazed crowd suddenly became extremely panicked.

Under the media propaganda, Scarlet Witch has become the synonym of destruction.

Seeing this weird scene, fear began to spread among the crowd like a plague.

This unknown power made everyone extremely frightened. They wanted to move their steps, but their legs kept shaking.

But at this moment, someone suddenly noticed that the fire on the first floor was extinguishing at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Surrounded by the scarlet light, frost even began to form.

The frost began to spread along the ground and along the wall. As the temperature dropped, the flames disappeared.

"Scarlet Witch put out the fire!"

"This is incredible, I didn’t expect that she really came to save us!"

"Woo woo woo, that’s great, my daughter is saved!"

"Who just said he wanted to kill us!"


The people opened their eyes wide when they saw this scene.

They didn't expect that the Scarlet Witch, who they thought was the end of the world, would actually put out the fire.

If it continued like this, the fire would soon be put out by the Scarlet Witch.

"The green mist turned into ice mist and dissipated!!!

Gwen slowly landed on the ground and sighed at the scene in front of her.

She didn't expect Wanda's power to be so strong.

You know, this is a building of several thousand square meters! All the flames were suppressed by Wanda alone.

Even now, the fire has shown signs of dissipating.

"It seems that she has finally overcome the obstacle in her heart!"

Hodder returned to the ground, took out a cigarette and held it in his mouth, muttering with satisfaction.

As long as the psychological barrier is broken, Wanda will soon be able to walk out of the shadows.

And after this incident, Wanda's power to control chaos magic will inevitably become stronger.

He looked at the hard-working little witch, lowered his head slightly, lit a cigarette, and exhaled turbid smoke with a raised corner of his mouth.

After a while, the burning fire was finally extinguished.

After Wanda did all this, she finally breathed a sigh of relief.

As soon as she landed, deafening cheers rang out around her.

"Long live Scarlet Witch!"

"Success! Scarlet Witch saved us!"

"Scarlet Witch is here to help us!"

"I will never question Scarlet Witch again!"


Everyone couldn't help but cheer at this moment.

At this moment, Scarlet Witch overturned the stereotypes that the media had brought to them.

They all gathered together and surrounded Wanda.

Scarlet Witch looked at the excited crowd around her and couldn't help but wipe away the tears flashing in the corners of her eyes with the back of her hand.

She didn't know how long it had been since she saw others cheering for her.

And the people around her were thanking her now.

She knew very well that the reason she could do this was because Hood stood firmly by her side...............

【PS: I beg for flowers, evaluation tickets and monthly tickets. If you don’t have flowers, evaluation tickets and monthly tickets, you can just say something in the book review area! Thank you for your support!!!]

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