At the Avengers base, the atmosphere in the office was quiet and dull.

Tony sat in a chair with a sad look on his face, chewing dried blueberries, and occasionally glanced at Steve on the sofa opposite.

The two were silent.

Only the sound of Tony eating dried blueberries could be heard.

With the recent fermentation of the German incident, the official pressure was increasing.

The solution proposed by Hood was very good, but the current situation made it impossible to start.

The public relations image and reputation of the Avengers and Wanda could not be changed unless there was a good opportunity.

"Are you going to sit there forever?"

Tony slapped the dried blueberries on the table and looked at Steve, who was playing with his phone in silence.

"What else can be done? The only thing that can change everything is to make Ross change his words!"

Steve looked at Tony with a cold face.

Ross's idea now is to control the Avengers, and these public opinions are definitely Ross's instructions.

Otherwise, it would be absolutely impossible to expand the influence to this extent just by relying on these media.

"It's better to go talk to Wanda about this than to sit here.���"

Tony walked up to Steve, suppressed his anger and said,"Don't forget, it was you who organized the mission in Germany!"

"It was my fault for organizing it, but didn't you do anything wrong?!"

Steve Rogers glared at Tony Stark with gritted teeth.

He admitted that the last incident was an accident, but it was not his intention.

Moreover, he didn't think it would be so serious!

"Me? I'm always trying to clean up your mess!"

"Do you know how many media outlets I have contacted? I have been trying to find a solution!"

Tony clenched his fists and roared in a low voice.

And what about the so-called Captain America?

He just holds on to his illusory ideals and sits here motionless!

If he says he is not angry, it would be a lie. If he has so much time, he could even go and persuade Wanda!

"Haha, you were not like this when you were in Sokovia before."

Steve clenched his fists, breathing became rapid:"Countless people died because of this, no! It was because of you that they died!"

"You thought it was me……"

Just as Tony was about to retort, he heard the sound of the office door behind him being pushed open.

He turned around and saw Black Widow Natasha standing at the door in a daze.

"It seems that I am here at the wrong time."

Natasha shrugged her shoulders and said in a teasing tone, making the atmosphere in the office less solemn.

"What's up?"

Tony picked up the dried blueberries and started chewing them.

"I think you should watch this!"

Natasha turned on the TV. What she saw was Wanda putting out the fire.

A large number of people surrounded Wanda and cheered and shouted.

【At 13:41 this afternoon, Avengers member Scarlet Witch and the city center stopped the spread of a fire……】

The reporter's voice came from inside.

Tony saw this scene, and his gloomy expression eased a lot at this time:"Wanda awakened a new ability?"

If he remembered correctly, although Wanda could indeed suppress fire, she could not turn fire into frost.

Now this was the only possible explanation for everything they saw.

"I didn't expect that we didn't even notice it!"

Steve Rogers said with a surprised expression.

They were basically all in the Avengers base, and logically they should have known about the awakening of new abilities.

But this one awakened the ability without making any noise, and even used this ability to save so many people.

"This should be because she just woke up, because Wanda's expression is still a little reluctant."

Natasha swung the remote control in her hand and continued with a thoughtful look:"But now the more important thing is that this incident has gradually changed the media's report on Wanda!"

After all, with so many people witnessing it, the media certainly cannot change this report at will.

This is a good opportunity for them. As long as they handle it well, they may be able to recover the impact of the previous German incident.

"Don't worry, I will ask the media to work hard to change everyone's impression as much as possible!"

Tuo tapped the earphones with his fingers.

"Call Pepper!"

After the call was connected, he got straight to the point:"Pepper, help me arrange some PR, and then pick up Wanda!" After so many years in the business world, he was already familiar with these operations.

The most important thing now was to strike while the iron was hot and take this opportunity to find a way to restore his reputation in one fell swoop.

"But Wanda seems to be in a good mood."

Natasha Romanoff couldn't help but sigh as she watched Wanda

's smile on the screen. She hadn't seen Wanda smile for a long time.

"How come Wanda suddenly came to her senses?"

Steve Rogers sat back on the sofa, looking at the screen with a puzzled look on his face.

She was still gloomy a few days ago.

But now she is like a different person, and even her abilities have become more powerful.

"Maybe, she finally figured it out!"

Natasha Romanoff was also infected by Wanda's smile and said with a smile.

Things seemed to be getting better at this time.

Tony smiled and said:"We will know when she comes back."......

At this time, in Queens, New York

【Ding! You helped Wanda escape her demons and restored her reputation!】

【Get reward: Kabuto Insect Meter (Kabuto)! 】

Hod leaned against the wall not far away, watching Wanda being interviewed, and suddenly a reminder sounded in his mind.

【Kabuto Insect Meter]: Use this insect meter to transform into a Kabuto, which requires the approval of the insect meter.

"Kabuto Insect Meter!"

"Wanda is really full of treasures! Any reward is top-notch!"

Hod couldn't help but be happy, he didn't expect that he could get a reward.

Kabuto Insect Instrument is the transformation device of Kamen Rider Kabuto.

Yes, it is the narcissist who follows the way of heaven and controls everything.

However, few people will refuse his transformation device. Hod dreamed of owning a knight's belt when he was a teenager.

"Mr. Hodder, since it's all over, I'll leave first. I hope we can have a chance to work together again in the future. Please say goodbye to Wanda for me."

Gwen took the initiative to speak up when she saw more and more media.

She didn't like those annoying media to ask her questions later.


Huo De waved his hand and watched the girl's back disappear among the tall buildings. He thought to himself,"It seems that I can only get to know her better in the future."

At this time, a row of black luxury cars drove over in the distance.

"I should go back too."

Hodder saw the Stark Group's special car appear and prepared to leave.

He knew Tony would definitely make good use of this opportunity to save the reputation of the Avengers and crush Ross's plan for the Avengers. Before leaving, he did not forget to use his mind power to pass on the message.

【Hod: See you when you have time, enjoy today's glory

【Wanda]: Thank you for today.

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