Far away in Northern Europe.

In the night, in the eerie forest, a dark atmosphere surrounded them.

Wow wow wow...

Black crows flew around in the sky and slowly landed on an old house.

"Ho ho ho......That breath!"

In front of the old-fashioned TV, a middle-aged woman in a black robe was very excited.

The TV was playing a gloomy picture, and the picture on it was the scene of Wanda putting out the fire.

""Oh Allah! The great Sithon, Chaos Magic has finally appeared!"

The woman grabbed both sides of the TV.

In the dark room, her blue eyes reflected the images on the screen, and her eyes were full of greed.

If Hood was here, he would definitely recognize her at a glance.

The woman was Agatha Harkness!

"New York! Chaos Magic! Here I come!"

Agatha Harkness opened her arms, her black robe fluttering in the wind.

Countless black mists quickly spread from under her black robes, instantly engulfing her whole body.

The next moment, there was no trace of Agatha Harkness in this old house.......

Avengers Base.

Today is definitely the most fulfilling day for Wanda. She was exhausted from all the interviews, but she enjoyed it.

She wanted to go back to rest when she returned to the base, but she saw all the Avengers waiting in the living room.

"What happened?"

Wanda looked at everyone in surprise:"Why haven't you all gone to bed yet so late?"

Although this is the Avengers base, there is very little time for everyone to gather together.

Seeing so many people sitting here now, she wondered if something big had happened again.

"Congratulations, the public's support for you has skyrocketed today. It won't be long before you can completely change the previous situation."

Tony was the first to raise his glass with a smile.

Today's public relations can be said to be very successful. The Internet has gradually begun to change their views on them.

In the current situation, they will soon be able to get rid of the predicament in front of them.

"After you did that, those annoying guys outside finally stopped shouting that they wanted to attack us."

Falcon Sam shrugged and said jokingly.

Those guys hold signs outside every day. Although the Avengers base is well soundproofed, it's still a headache to watch. No one can stand seeing a group of lunatics shouting downstairs of their house every day.

"I didn't expect you to do such a big thing without making any noise. This is really beyond our expectations."

Natasha slumped her legs on the table.

It must be said that Wanda did bring them an unexpected surprise today.

"You did a good job, but what exactly is your new ability?"

Steve was curious.

Everyone was curious when they heard this. The flame was filled with green mist that could cause mutations.

If it was just compressed, there would be no way to get rid of the green mist.

But Wanda actually used an ability that no one had ever seen before.

"I didn't awaken any new abilities, in fact, I just used my previous powers."

Wanda walked to Natasha's side and sat down, picking up a pillow:"It's just that I learned how to master it better."

They were all companions, so she didn't intend to hide it, so she just said it out loud.

"Not a new ability?!"

Tony was shocked. He had never thought that Wanda's ability would have other changes.

And from Wanda's mouth, he could also know that Wanda had this ability originally, but she just discovered it today.

"Isn't your ability given by the Mind Stone?"

Dr. Banner wondered.

Wanda hugged the pillow and shook her head slightly with a blank look on her face:"I don't know either. He didn't tell me clearly.……"

When Wanda said the word"he", Tony Stark quickly caught the key point:"Who is this he?"

It was obviously someone no one knew. He might be the key to Wanda's ability.


Wanda realized at this moment that she had let the cat out of the bag. She couldn't possibly tell anyone about Hood and herself right now!

But she couldn't think of a suitable excuse.

But if she really told them.........

How should I explain my relationship with him?

"If you are hiding something from us, a small mistake could ruin everything."

Tony did not stop asking questions, but pressed on with a serious expression.

This unknown person might interfere with their plans!

Wanda hugged the pillow tightly, almost burying her face in it.

She gritted her teeth, her face full of hesitation.

Because she really didn't want to tell what happened.

"Wanda, why don't you go and rest first!"

At this time, Steve took the initiative to speak up to help Wanda out.

"Yes, you have been busy all day, you must be very tired!"

Natasha also took the initiative to speak. As a woman, she had already vaguely sensed something.

Only these rough guys could not see Wanda's shy look.

And this person must be very important to Wanda, otherwise with Wanda's character, she would definitely not hide it from everyone.

When Wanda heard this, she was relieved and quickly threw down the pillow and left in a hurry.


Tony frowned as he watched Wanda leave.

"Tony, she has the right to make her own choice, and everyone has their own secrets.

Steve stopped Tony and said seriously,"And some things may be better left unseen."

"But this concerns all of us.

Tony said solemnly.

"If you want to worry about this, you might as well think about how to convince Ross."

Steve's face was stern. If they really joined the official, the Avengers would become tools.

Tony heard this and said coldly:"Then you decide!"

After that, he turned around and left.

In the office.

Tony Stark sat on the leather chair and called Pepper directly.

"Go and help me find out who has been in contact with Wanda recently!"

If he doesn't find out, he will never feel at ease.


After doing all this, Tony Stark looked exhausted.

He had been feeling a lot of pressure these days, and he didn't even know how to vent it.

"How about going to find Hood?"

This idea just popped up in his mind and was immediately dismissed.

Because Hood is always busy with things.

After hesitating for a long time, Tony Stark came to the balcony, put on his battle suit and flew out directly.

He was ready to take a good ride to relax....................Dividing line.................... ps: Brothers, if you think it's good, please give the author some free flowers. I will be very grateful. If one person gives me flowers, no matter how many flowers I give, I will add another chapter.

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