Inside the manor

"Imelda, go and tell everyone that today is a day off."

Hodder came to the hall and asked the maid to tell everyone to rest.

The reason why he asked the maid to rest was because he planned to try out the armored insect instrument.

After Imelda bowed and thanked him, she immediately notified all the maids to leave.

"Is this the Kabuto Insect Analyzer?"

Hodder flipped his hand and took out the Kabuto Insect Analyzer from the system.

A transformation device made of steel and shaped like a rhinoceros beetle appeared in his hand.

【[Kabuto Insect Instrument]: To use this insect instrument, you need to get the approval of the insect instrument to transform into a Kabuto.


Just as he was carefully looking at the Kabuto Insect Instrument in his hand, the rhinoceros beetle in his hand suddenly made a loud bang.

In just a moment, the rhinoceros beetle broke free and flew out.

"Want to escape?"

Hod opened his hand and pulled hard.

The power of the Phoenix wrapped the rhinoceros beetle back into his hand.

At the same time, he held it tightly and firmly controlled the rhinoceros beetle in his hand.

He used his power to subdue Kabuto Insect Instrument.



Hod swung the Kabuto Insect Detector in his hand.

Golden light burst out from the Kabuto Insect Detector, and green light like a nano-barrier spread rapidly on Hod's body.

When the light enveloped his whole body, a white light flashed.

Kabuto's battle suit appeared on Hod's body.

A mysterious force flowed around Hod's body.

"Is this Jiadou?"

In front of the mirror, Hod looked up and down.

He was transformed directly into a knight with a long horn like a rhinoceros beetle on his head.

It fits the temperament of the king.

Compared with Tony's iron suit, each has its own merits.

"I have to go out for a walk!"

Hod looked at the silver-white armor and couldn't suppress his impulse.

It was still late at night, so it was a good time to go out for a walk without attracting too many people's attention.

Thinking of this, Hod came to the garage.

There were all kinds of vehicles in the garage.

There were flying Fords, unicycles, flying Mercedes-Benzes, and jet motorcycles.

Many of these vehicles were rewarded by the system, and he simply threw them in the garage.

Hod came to a dark black motorcycle.

This motorcycle looks similar to the Harley Fat Boy in appearance, but the position of the exhaust pipe has changed a lot.

The display screen in front of the car is completely different from the previous ones. It is even a projected 3D display screen.

This is also a vehicle rewarded by the system.

【Amphibious motorcycle: Land, air, water, three-purpose amphibious motorcycle!

Hod took a step back and sat on the motorcycle. He just twisted the throttle slightly.

The amphibious motorcycle instantly burst into a roar, and with a catapult, it drove directly out of the garage.


Hod felt the baptism of the strong wind and pressed a button on the accelerator handle.

Two jet tubes popped out on both sides of the front and rear wheels of the motorcycle.

With a twist of the accelerator, the jet tubes burst into blue flames.

On the road, a beam of light quickly shuttled across it. The extremely fast nerve reflex allowed Hod to handle it with ease even at a speed of 500 kilometers per hour.

"Go to Hell's Kitchen?"

After hesitating for a moment, Hood decided to go to Hell's Kitchen. Maybe he could see Gwen there.......

On the dark streets of Hell's Kitchen in New York, Hodder slowed down his motorcycle.

When he entered the neighborhood, he immediately attracted a lot of onlookers.

""Hi, man, your COS is very handsome!"

A black man with dreadlocks waved at Hod, and there was something bulging around his waist.

New York is a city that never sleeps, and Hell's Kitchen is completely different from New York.

The streets are dark and messy, and all kinds of graffiti are sprayed everywhere on the walls.

Runes and patterns from different cultures, vector graphics seem to be accusing this complex city of chaos.

Just like the mixed blood flowing in the blood of the people in this area.

And on the dirty streets, you can see people lying on the ground from time to time, and it is not known whether they are wrapped in alcohol or death.

Here, chaos, crime, blood, and death can be seen everywhere.


"Boy, your car is pretty cool, now leave it behind and get out! This is Mr. Jin Bing's territory!"

The man with the dreadlocks raised his right hand and waved it in the air twice, and the others followed him and surrounded him.

The people around him patted the gun handles on their waists while talking.


Hod was stunned when he heard this.

He didn't expect that there was a Kingpin in this universe.

Anyone who has read Marvel has heard of Kingpin.

He is the emperor of the underworld, who has absolute control over the East Coast.

He is extremely meticulous and his wisdom is far beyond that of ordinary people.

More than 90% of his body is muscle. Some people say that he can even punch through a wall with his bare hands.

"I don't know if getting rid of Jin Bing will bring any benefits."

Hodder muttered to himself as he sat on the seat of the motorcycle.

His system reward mechanism seems to be a special event.

"Boy, why don't you leave? Don't think you won't get beaten just because you're wearing strange clothes!"

The man with dreadlocks curled his lips unkindly. If the man in front of him doesn't know how to respect him, then don't blame him for being rude.

"Hey, why do this?"

Hod shook his head, put down the support of the motorcycle and suddenly attacked.

With just a swing of his leg, he swept the person next to him and sent him flying backwards.

"You want to die!"

The sudden attack made the dreadlock man pull out the revolver from his waist.

But before he could pull the trigger, a big hand wrapped in steel suddenly grabbed his revolver. With a loud bang, the revolver and the dreadlock man's left hand were crushed into a ball.

Ahhhh!!! The screams suddenly

���It echoed in this crime-ridden street.

At this moment, other people took advantage of this opportunity, pulled out their knives and were ready to launch a sneak attack.

But in front of Hood, it was like a child playing house.

After just a few twists and turns, these hooligans fell to the ground and kept wailing.

At this time, in the sky.

A steel red shadow passed by. It was Tony who just came out to relax.

He noticed below:"Jarvis, zoom in."

Looking down, it was a guy in red and silver who was entangled with the hooligans.

Tony was stunned, and murmured with a helpless smile:"I didn't expect to run into fans when I go out"...................Dividing line.................... ps: Brothers, if you think it's good, please give the author some free flowers. I will be very grateful. If one person gives me flowers, no matter how many flowers I give, I will add another chapter.

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