""Don't stand there, follow me!"

Hood interrupted Gwen's thoughts.

Gwen nodded subconsciously and followed Hood's footsteps quietly.

"Shh, Kingpin brought his elite troops here too"

"He specially trained these people to clear obstacles for himself!"

The two of them hid behind the old and rusty container, and Gwen carefully winked at the distance.

As Gwen looked, soldiers armed to the teeth, even comparable to the special forces, appeared in Hod's sight.

They were not only equipped with the most advanced bulletproof helmets and vests, but also wore bulletproof masks on their faces.

"Jin Bing is really rich!"

Hod couldn't help but sigh in his heart. This set of equipment is at least five or six hundred thousand.

But it actually equipped almost dozens of people.

"We have to be careful, they are not the same thugs as before......"

Gwen moved her hands and feet while carefully observing how to find the flaws.

She was indeed very skilled, but that didn't mean she was invulnerable.

��They have undergone special training, so they must be more careful.

But just as Gwen was talking, the figure beside him suddenly stood up.

Hod actually walked out of the hiding place of the container and strode towards the distance.


Gwen lowered her voice and whispered,"Unicorn, what are you doing?!"

She didn't know if this guy couldn't hear her because he was wearing armor.

Going out like this would obviously be a way to die!

"I'm going to test the performance of this combat uniform!"

Hod didn't even look back, moving his hands and feet as he walked.

Although he had just dealt with the thugs, there was no useful information at all.

If he wanted to know the real strength of Jiadou, he still had to play with these guys.

When Hod walked out, he was noticed by the elite soldiers in the distance.

"Call! There are foreign invaders!"

When they noticed that Hood was walking over, they did not shoot immediately, but reported the situation vigilantly.

As the news spread, teams from other directions immediately dispatched people to rush over here.

In just over ten seconds, Hood was surrounded.

Facing these soldiers, Hood slowly put his hand on the Kabuto insect instrument on his belt.

"Masked form!"

He suddenly pulled the lever of the beetle head to the right.

【PUTON (put on clothes!)

The knight form of the rhinoceros beetle has changed at this moment.

Hod crossed his hands, and as the light on the surface of the outer armor flashed, pieces of steel armor covered the surface of the armor. The single horn on his head was also retracted at this moment, turning into two forked steel horns.

The light appearance has become like a shield at this moment, and it feels indestructible just by looking at it.

The reason why Hod changed into this form is entirely because the defense of this mask form is very strong.

Even if a missile hits him head-on, it cannot penetrate.

"This looks so cool!"

Gwen carefully poked her head out from behind the container, exclaiming with wide eyes.

No science and engineering student could refuse such a suit.

And she couldn't even see how it was done!


The elite soldier pulled the trigger without hesitation.

Fire shot up into the sky!

Bullets rained down from the muzzle like raindrops.

The bullets covered Hood's head like raindrops.

Bang, bang, bang!

Because of the training, their shooting was divided into alternating shooting.

The rapid sound of gunfire echoed in the sky, without stopping for a moment, as if dense firecrackers were lit.

The bullets hit Hood's masked form armor, and the body burst into broken fragments caused by metal collision.

The burst of fire bloomed on the surface of the armor, just like fireworks bursting in the night sky.

The sound of steel clashing kept echoing around, and the soldiers did not stop pulling the trigger before they saw Hood fall.

Hood, on the other hand, observed the changes in the armor's masked form with a calm expression in the hail of bullets.

It can be said that the bullets hitting the body are not even a tickle, because of the extremely heavy armor. In his opinion, these people are just struggling to death.

"This guy can actually handle these guys!"

Gwen finally let go of his worries.

Hodder stood there like a fortress that would never collapse.

He was obviously overthinking.

In this case, these guys had no effect on Hodder at all.

"It's my turn to perform!"

Gwen jumped out of the container nimbly, rolled over, and quickly shot spider silk at the elite soldiers around her with both hands.

The sticky spider silk stuck to the soldiers' masks, blocking their vision.

Just as they hurriedly tried to tear the spider silk off the masks, they were greeted by a white figure.

The white arc rolled and jumped quickly between the trees and obstacles, and the naked eye could only see the white figure in front.

Gwen shuttled quickly, and with Hood's cover, she drew an arc in the air.

Landing behind the enemy, with wolves in front and tigers behind, the elite soldiers could not take care of themselves at all.......

Inside the factory

"Leave the North Coast to me. If we join forces, our business will surely spread overseas soon!"The fat bald man sat on the black sofa, and his suit was propped up high.

He supported his cane with his right hand and raised the wine glass in his left hand with a ferocious smile.


Just as Jin Bing was about to toast with the guests, there was a burst of gunfire outside.

He frowned and turned to look at his men standing beside him.

"Boss, there are two intruders outside!" The subordinate quickly took out the tablet and brought up the surveillance footage.

"Ghost Spider?"

Kingpin recognized the identity of the white figure at a glance,"Who is this red steel figure? Iron Man?"

"Boss, this shouldn't be Iron Man."

The subordinate bent down and explained respectfully.


"Let the doctor start Plan A and kill them."

King Bing finally let go of his worries and waved his hand in disdain.

After all, if Iron Man showed up, maybe the Avengers would come.

But there was no need to take these two small fish seriously.

"Mr. Jin Bing, is everything okay outside?

The guest sitting opposite him was obviously a little restless.

"Don't worry, it's just a small trouble and it will be solved soon!"

Jin Bing grinned and picked up the red wine glass again..........


Bang, bang, bang!

Hod stood calmly in the center of the battlefield, calling out names one by one with his pistol.

A simple sweep of the gun.

All the guards fell one after another, and the blood from their heads soaked the ground.

"Are you a scientist?"

Gwen spun in the air and landed next to Hood.

She was very curious about Hood's identity. She often attended various scientific research conferences, but she had no impression of this kind of scientific research results.

At first, she thought it was an imitation of Iron Man, but this was clearly not the same type of armor.

"Hurry up and go in!"

Hod did not answer Gwen's question, and walked towards the factory.

"What is your armor made of? It must not be ordinary metal, right?"

"Otherwise it would have been broken just now! Could this be vibranium?"

Gwen followed closely behind, and kept asking questions.

She really couldn't figure out who this person was.


Suddenly, the door of the factory building exploded.

In the billowing smoke, more than 20 strange shadows appeared faintly.

Looking closely, they were clearly more than 20 robots with mecha appearance and spider legs on their backs.

These robots climbed along the wall quickly, and as their mouths opened, they could even see the machine guns installed in their mouths!

"It's Kingpin's Spider Killer!"

Gwen looked very ugly when she saw this scene. These robots were specially researched for her.

It's just that she had solved those before, but she didn't expect that they would be mass-produced!...................Dividing line.................... ps: Brothers, if you think it's good, please give the author some free flowers. I will be very grateful. If one person gives me flowers, no matter how many flowers I give, I will add another chapter.

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