"It seems that Jin Bing really likes you. The cost of this thing should not be low!"

Hod didn't care about these spider robots at all, but looked at the little spider beside him with a teasing look.

"Don't be distracted! These guys are not easy to deal with!"

Gwen lowered her body, her expression under the mask was solemn, and her big eyes on the mask were wrinkled.

She had fought with these things before, and they were superior in terms of agility and power.

Even in complex terrain, their reaction was comparable to hers.


The next moment.

Missiles with tail flames were fired from the bottom of the spider robot.

These more than 20 missiles were like fireworks rising into the sky, and they arrived in front of the two in a flash.

"Damn it! Get out of the way!"

Gwen suddenly jumped aside.

She never thought that this was not only mass-produced, but also equipped with missiles.

Facing the flying missiles, Hood casually grabbed a missile flying towards his face.

The other missiles exploded directly on Hood's body like a storm.


With continuous loud noises, Hood's position was covered by continuous flames.

The surrounding ground was lifted up by the powerful missiles, and the loose soil flew around.

Looking from the sky, it was like a mushroom cloud rising.

The terrifying power even made the surrounding land appear charred.

Even the surrounding debris was directly blown away by the terrifying power.

"!!! Unicorn!"

Gwen's pupils trembled violently. Her comrade who had just fought side by side with her was killed by a missile attack!

She was almost suffocating. She never expected it to turn out like this.


Kingpin in the factory looked at the screen on the tablet and drank the wine in the glass.

Facing such a concentrated missile, even those so-called superheroes would not be able to stop it!

The missiles installed here are all the top-notch military missiles sold by Stark Group before!

However, as the smoke slowly dissipated, a burly figure bathed in the remaining smoke stood there motionless.

The surrounding land turned into scorched earth, and there was not even a trace of damage on the surface of the mecha.

"This armor is quite hard."

Hod stretched his body and felt no pain, not even itchy. He was a little worried that the armor would not be able to withstand it.

Unexpectedly, even more than 20 missiles only made him tremble slightly.

"Damn it! How is this possible!"

Jin Bing subconsciously let go of the wine glass, and the deep red wine spilled on his shirt.

But he ignored it and looked at the picture above with a ferocious expression.

"Mr. Jin Bing,......I'll leave first!"

The guest sitting opposite was hesitant and ready to leave.

He was just here to do business and had no intention of risking his life here.

"Don't worry, there will be no problem!"

Jin Bing spoke in a hurried tone to win back the client, and at the same time turned his head to look at his men and shouted:"Kill him! Kill him for me!"

He has faced so many enemies, but this is the first time he feels so ashamed.

His client is obviously right in front of him, but he can't even deal with a small person of unknown origin!


As Jin Bing's order was given, more than 20 spider robots immediately divided into two teams and rushed towards Hood and Gwen.

Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh!!!

The moment the spider robots surrounded them, the spider legs behind them were like sharp spears, driving the sound of breaking through the air and attacking the two.

With the blessing of the engine, these spider legs contain great power, and the power of each time is not weaker than armor-piercing bullets.

"Be careful, these guys' data models are equipped with the fighting skills of those fighting masters!"

"There's even a simple artificial intelligence chip installed inside that can handle all kinds of attacks!"

Gwen, who was quickly dodging the spider robot's pursuit, didn't forget to speak up.

"It's okay!"

Hod seemed to be able to see all the scenes around him, and he dodged all the attacks of the spider legs easily.

He even calmly grabbed one of the spider legs and broke it with his elbow.

There was no panic in his every move, and his behavior was even a little elegant.!!!

Gwen turned her head to avoid one of the spider legs, and her brain was buzzing when she saw this scene out of the corner of her eye.

Who on earth is this guy! At this time, he can actually use meticulous fighting skills to fight back!

"Only someone like Tony Stark can compare to such an outstanding person!"

She couldn't help but sigh in a low voice, this technique is really too strong!

Although it seems to be just a simple dodge, every step and movement has the shadow of different fighting.

Wing Chun, Babo, Bagua, Muay Thai, boxing, judo, joint skills, etc.

And each one must be the most advanced to be integrated and used!


Hod used a Baji Collapse to blast the nearest spider robot away.

"Don't these spider robots have any other tricks?"

He moved his wrist, and there was a little more impatience in his eyes.

If he didn't want to see the performance of these spider robots, he would have dealt with them all.

After all, in terms of fighting, if he said he was second, no one would dare to say second.

There are probably few people in this world who can fight better than him.

Buzz buzz buzz!!!

At this moment, the spider robot in front of him exploded directly.

The silver machine quickly reorganized in the air and turned into nearly a hundred mechanical spiders.

Although they were smaller in size, their number was like a tide rushing towards them!

"They split up!"

Gwen warned loudly, and was about to deal with the spider robots in front of her.

But she suddenly found that these spider robots turned around and rushed towards Hord.

Her expression became extremely ugly. Although the defense of this rhinoceros beetle was very strong, it was no match for so many spider robots!

What's more, in this situation, no matter how powerful the fighting skills were, it would be useless!

"It seems that this old guy Jin Bing is a bit tired of playing!"

Hod looked at this scene and couldn't help but complain in his heart.

He put his hand on the belt and pulled it to the right.

【CAST?OFF (Armor Explosion)】

A sound effect sounded.

The heavy armor on his body exploded!

The shattered fragments flew towards the mechanical spiders like dense raindrops.

Hod pulled the rhinoceros beetle horn on his belt again.

【[Time-up sound effect]

The next second, the spider robot that was lifted up in the air slowed down its descent speed instantly.

Even the air around it almost froze.

Not far away, Gwen, who was supporting them from the air, was also doing the same thing.

The grass leaves in the wind were also swaying at full speed.

"Is this time acceleration?"

Hodder looked around as if everything was still, with a hint of enlightenment in his eyes.

It was as if time had been slowed down.

"No! To be precise, my speed has increased!"

"The reason they can't see it is because I am moving at a super speed that human eyes cannot recognize!"

After thinking about all this, his pupils shrank rapidly.

"It seems that we should solve these troubles around first!"

Hod twisted his body and walked slowly among the spiders.

Whenever he passed a mechanical spider, he would quickly tap it.

At this time, the fragments that exploded also flew around at an almost stagnant speed.

【[Time-up ends]

The next second.


All the robots explode!?!!!

Gwen, who is in the air, has a drastic change of expression.

"What's going on? Why did everything explode all of a sudden?"

I didn't even blink, and that red afterimage... and inside the factory,

"Why did it suddenly explode?!"

"Is this the speed that this mecha can reach?!"

King Bing's eyes widened, and even his breathing became rapid! This was the only thought left in his mind!

But how could he not know about the person who possessed such technology?

Could it be that it was really Tony Stark, but this guy changed into a battle suit?!...................Dividing line................. ps: Brothers, if you think it's good, please give the author some free flowers. I will be very grateful. If one person gives me flowers, no matter how many flowers I give, I will add another chapter.

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