Outside the ward.

Gwen said with tears in her eyes, choking with sobs:"Hodder, thank you........"

She never dreamed that her father would wake up one day.

Moreover, after the doctor's diagnosis, it was found that this was not just waking up.

Even the muscles that had atrophied due to long-term bed rest had recovered, and his physical characteristics were even healthier than before.

After subsequent confirmation, he was able to be discharged directly from the hospital.

Even the doctor called it a medical miracle.

It has never happened in the medical field!

"You're welcome. It's your father who's lucky. I didn't do anything."

Hodder shook his head.

"I know it's you!"

Gwen's nose turned red.

She knew very well that this was not a miracle, because her father woke up only after Hood came here.

Although she was not sure how this was done, she knew very well that it was all thanks to Hood.

She said a little immaturely:"Are you free tomorrow? I would like to invite you to dinner."

Then the girl added:"This is a way for my father to express his gratitude to you. When he gradually adapts, we will arrange a more grand banquet to thank you properly."


Hodder was stunned for a moment, and a plump figure in red popped up in his mind. It didn't matter whether Gwen's parents invited guests or not, as long as Gwen treated them.......I have an appointment with Wanda for dinner tomorrow night.

If I reject Gwen, I might miss the best opportunity.

"Are you busy tomorrow?"

Gwen noticed the tangled look on Hood's face and said,"I want to thank you tonight, but my father is busy......."

Because she still needs follow-up examinations, she can't spare the time.

"No problem."

After a moment, Huo De nodded with a bright smile.

A real man never makes choices!

I want them all!

"See you tomorrow night!"

A gust of fragrant wind blew in, Gwen's tender lips quickly touched Hood's face, and ran away quickly with a red face.

Watching Gwen trotting back to the ward, Hood's mouth corners involuntarily rose

"Is this the breath of youth?"

He is already looking forward to dinner tomorrow night.

【Ding! With your kindness and kindness, and your boundless love, you healed George Stacy!】

【Get reward: Artificial Intelligence Red Queen!】

【Artificial Intelligence Red Queen]: An artificial intelligence from the Resident Evil universe. She is everywhere in the Earth's network system. You can call her directly.

"Artificial Intelligence Red Queen?"

Hodder was delighted. He had never thought that he would receive this reward.

Red Queen is a powerful artificial intelligence, at least more powerful than all the artificial intelligences on Earth at this stage of Marvel.

Take Ultron for example, he is far inferior to Red Queen in terms of intelligent calculations.

Because Red Queen already has her own consciousness, coupled with a huge network, her functions are extremely terrifying.

"Red Queen!"

Hod put on the headset he carried with him to call.

Now Red Queen is already online and can be called at any time

"Master, I am here!"

Red Queen's firm voice came from the headset. It was the voice of a little girl.

"Help me retrieve a copy of SHIELD's confidential documents and files related to the Cosmic Cube."

The reason for doing that is to test the strength of Red Queen.

SHIELD's security wall is the most powerful in the entire United States.

Once you can get these top-notch information, it means that Red Queen can penetrate every hole in the world network.

""Master, the intrusion has been successful, and the information you want has been obtained!"

Just a moment later, the Red Queen's voice sounded from the headset.

Hood's phone vibrated. It was clearly the file of the SHIELD Cosmic Cube, the level was nine!

It was the second highest top-secret level of SHIELD!

Because the top-secret files of the highest level ten are paper archives that cannot be hacked into.

"It seems that you are quite capable!"

Hod slid twice casually and nodded secretly.

Possessing artificial intelligence means that any device connected to the network cannot monitor him!

Recently, his actions have gradually become"conspicuous".

It is estimated that it will not be long before SHIELD and Hydra will notice him.

After leaving the hospital.

Knock, knock, knock~

Hod just returned to the Cayenne and heard someone knocking on the car window.

Turning around, the person outside the car window was Tony Stark wearing sunglasses.

""Hod, it's really you!"

As the car window rolled down, Tony looked surprised:"Are you sick? Why didn't you contact me? I have the best medical team!"

He had noticed this Cayenne just now. After all, there was only one Cayenne of Hod's in the whole of New York.

"No, I just came to visit a friend."

Hod shook his head and spread his hands, and asked with a smile:"Why is the chairman of Stark Corporation here?"

He really didn't expect that Tony would appear in St. John's Hospital.

St. John's Hospital is already top-notch, but it can't compare with Tony's medical team.

Tony sighed and walked around to the passenger seat, opened the door and sat in directly.

"I'm here to visit the injured civilians in Sokovia.……"

He smiled self-deprecatingly.


Hod looked at Tony's bitter expression and knew that Tony was in a lot of pain.

But he didn't expect Tony to come to the hospital in person.

"No need to apologize."

Tony smiled bitterly, shook his head and sighed,"If it wasn't my fault, it wouldn't have turned out like this."

His decision had harmed too many people, which made him feel extremely guilty.


Tony paused and then said,"If it weren't for Wanda, I wouldn't have the face to see the wounded."

He knew very well that the reason their reputation was slightly restored was entirely due to Wanda.

"However, I see that Wanda's approval rating has also risen sharply. You should be out of the spotlight now."

Hodder has also noticed this matter. It must be said that this time it has directly restored the previous image.

Recently, there has been a lot less negative news about the Avengers.


Tony lowered the passenger seat a little, and sighed with concern,"But this matter doesn't seem to be that simple."

"What's wrong? Any other questions?"

Hodder could see that Tony's face was full of worry.

"Wanda is hiding something from us, and someone is helping her"

"Of course I understand this is a good thing, but she doesn't trust us and hasn't told anyone."

Tony said what he was most worried about.

This person must be extraordinary to be able to change Wanda.

And he was more worried about whether this person had other intentions for the Avengers.

During this period of time, he was basically trying to find a way to investigate the identity of this mysterious person.

【Master, after testing, Tony Stark is investigating Wanda's news, which may involve you!

At this time, the voice of Red Queen came from the headset.


Hood was stunned, but soon understood.

Tony has always been a man of action. He probably started investigating when he knew about this.

However, he did not expect Wanda to not reveal the relationship between them.

Hood turned his head and looked at Tony with a sad expression on his face. He wanted to tell him, but finally thought forget it.

He needs to respect Wanda's choice. Maybe she feels that it is not the right time yet.

"Don't worry too much, Tony."

Hodder patted Tony on the shoulder and said,"Maybe Wanda is waiting for the right time."

"The right time?"

Tony was stunned for a moment, and turned to look at Hord with doubt.

"She trusts you and may need to adapt. Rushing will only make the situation worse."

After hearing Hood's explanation, Tony hesitated for a moment, and finally nodded slightly.

What Hood said made sense. If he pushed too hard, Wanda might be disgusted.

Because this is Wanda's privacy anyway.

""Hodder, thank you. I'll treat you to dinner some other day. I'm too busy lately."

After Hodder's persuasion, Tony finally decided to listen to Hodder.

When he returned, he asked Pepper to stop investigating.

"No problem."

Huo De smiled and responded.

He didn't expect that so many people would invite him to dinner recently.

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