Central Avenue in New York

"It's okay, I'll contact you later."

Hod sat by the door of the Cayenne and shook his phone.

This was the third time a beautiful woman came to him and asked to add him on Facebook.

He couldn't help but sigh that a good car is really attractive.


The phone in his hand vibrated.

【Wanda: Hood, when are you free?

Hood saw the message and his mouth curled up slightly. He really can't wait.

【[Hodder]: You are such a greedy little cat, do you want to eat it so much?

【Wanda: Stop talking nonsense! When are you free? I can reserve a seat.

On the other side, Wanda was looking at the crimson clothes in the closet in her room.

When she saw the message, her cheeks became slightly hot and she couldn't help but squeeze her legs together.

Hod hesitated and tapped his phone.

【Hod: About eight o'clock in the evening

【Wanda: Okay, see you at St. Is’s Restaurant tonight!

【Hod: Okay. Wanda replied to the message, her mouth raised, humming a song.

Looking at the dazzling array of clothes, she finally focused her attention on a set of semi-transparent lace inner wear.......

"Mr. Hood!"

Hood, who had just replied to the message, was about to put his phone away when his right shoulder was suddenly tapped.

He turned around and saw that it was the lovely Gwen.

When he noticed what Gwen was wearing, he couldn't help but be stunned.

Gwen, who had fair skin, was wearing a well-tailored pure white shirt today.

The slightly open collar revealed her snow-white and slender neck. Her short hair was as smooth as silk, and she looked heroic yet beautiful, which further highlighted her fair complexion.

The thin shirt made her figure stand out, and the long-term career symbol made him admire her style.

Although her figure was not as explosive as Wanda's, her youthful cuteness made him a little eager.

"You're here?"

Although Huo De was in a state of turmoil, he remained calm on the surface and put his phone in his pocket.

"What was Mr. Hood busy with just now? He seemed very absorbed in his work."

In fact, Gwen noticed not far away that Hood seemed to be replying to some messages.

"Nothing, just arrange things for tonight."

Huo De's expression was calm, and he didn't even blink when he mentioned this matter:"By the way, your outfit today is very nice!"

After all, as a good man who has walked through a sea of flowers without getting a single leaf on him, he is very familiar with changing the subject.


Gwen was really attracted by this sentence, and she turned around in a circle with excitement. She bent slightly to show her figure.

In order to keep the appointment today, she spent more than an hour just choosing clothes.

Looking at Gwen's beauty, Hod couldn't help but secretly sigh that she was simply a walking clothes rack, and she could handle any style.

"What's wrong with Mr. Stacy?"

Hodder coughed lightly and shifted his gaze.

Although good wine is good, don't drink too much.

"Thanks to Mr. Hodder, Dad is back to normal and can go back to the police station!"

Gwen mentioned this with an excited smile on her face.

After confirming that there was no problem yesterday, her father couldn't wait to go back and test the gun.

And the police station also agreed to let her father go back to work.

For her father, this is the happiest news.

"By the way, where are we going to eat?"

Because Gwen was treating us today, Hodder didn't book a restaurant.

"Can we take a walk outside first?"

For some reason, Gwen did not answer Hood's question, but asked with her hands behind her back, blinking her big eyes.

Hood glanced at the time on his watch and nodded slightly:"All up to you."

It's only six o'clock in the evening. If the arrangements are appropriate, there is still time.

"Come with me!"

Gwen smiled happily, took Hood's hand and walked quickly forward.

When she made this move, her cheeks were slightly hot, but she did not let go.

She pulled Hood all the way, crossed several streets and came to a forest park.

It is autumn now, and there are a large number of maple trees planted in the forest park.

The light of the setting sun shines through the leaves to form a Tyndall effect, and beams of light shine on the ground covered with maple leaves.

The yellow leaves form a forest, and the afterglow of the sunset shines. The two people stepped on the piled up fallen leaves and made a rustling sound.

The two sat on the wooden bench in the park and watched the sunset slowly setting in the sky.

"The scenery here is really nice."

Hodder looked up at the fallen leaves in the breeze and sighed.

He rarely came to Queens, and this was the first time he knew there was such a beautiful scenery here.

The scenery is pleasant and the beauty is even more pleasant. In the setting sun, Gwen looked even more charming.


Gwen took a deep look at Hood beside her and said,"I like it here very much. I come here almost every day."

Only by coming to the park can she temporarily escape the depressed emotions in her heart.

"I thought people in Queens had long since grown tired of the scenery here."

Hodder turned his head and looked at Gwen and said jokingly

"During the time when my dad was in a coma, I would always come here alone and stare blankly when I was depressed."

Gwen and Hood's eyes intertwined, and she opened her red lips slightly:"But my mood now is completely different from before, everything is finally getting better!"

At that time, she had to work to supplement the family income, and she also had to fight crime to uphold justice in her heart.

Basically, she had no time for herself. Only when the sun went down, she would take a few minutes to enjoy the sunset here.

Now that she is finally getting better, she even feels like she is dreaming.

"As long as you stay optimistic, many things will be fine."

Hodder smiled and rubbed Gwen's head, with a slight smile on his face.

In fact, he also knew that Gwen had endured enough.

To put it bluntly, Gwen was just a student now.

At this moment, accompanied by a fragrant breeze, a soft body suddenly fell into his arms.

The fresh citrus scent entered Hodder's lungs with his breath.

He looked at himself.���The warm and soft jade in his arms was stunned for a moment. He really didn't expect that Gwen would rush over to him at this time.

For a moment, the air was blocked, and neither of them spoke. Hood hugged Gwen and felt this warm time.

"Um, did you bring a gun with you when you went out?"

Gwen said in an awkward tone after an unknown amount of time.


Hodder's expression suddenly became a little embarrassed:"It's okay, it's normal to carry a gun when going out!"


Gwen did not leave, but hugged Hood tightly with red ears.

"Let's go eat!"

Huode looked at the time and said awkwardly.


Gwen nodded slightly and took the initiative to shake Hood's hand.

Hood asked,"By the way, where is the restaurant you are looking for?"

"It's nearby, we'll be there soon."

Gwen took Hood's hand and walked out of the park.

Feeling the warmth in her hand, she suddenly felt mixed emotions.

"By the way, Hood, you and Wanda are very familiar with each other. Have you known each other for a long time?"

She had actually thought of this yesterday, otherwise Wanda would not have come out alone with Hood.

"Very familiar, but only for a week."

After saying this, Hood couldn't help but complain in his heart.

She knew my strengths and weaknesses, and I knew hers.

But he was telling the truth, after all, he had only known her for a week.

However, because of the power of the Phoenix and chaos magic, the two of them were very familiar with each other.

"You've only known each other for a week."

Gwen was delighted to hear this. This was much better than she thought.

After all, she herself didn't know what the relationship between the two was.

Her intuition at the time was that the two seemed very close.

"Where is the restaurant you mentioned?"

Hodder stopped and looked around and asked

""Here it is."

Gwen pointed to a luxurious restaurant on the corner.

The sign read"St. Is's Restaurant"

"Saint Is?!"

Hodder twitched his mouth and raised his eyebrows slightly.

Wait, if I remember correctly, Wanda also booked this restaurant!...................Dividing line.................... ps: Brothers, if you think it's good, please give the author some free flowers. I will be very grateful. If one person gives me flowers, no matter how many flowers I give, I will add another chapter.

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