How could it be such a coincidence!

Huo De helplessly stroked his forehead and sighed slightly.

""What's wrong? Don't you like this restaurant?"

Gwen noticed Hood's actions and asked with a worried tone.

She did her homework in advance. This is the most famous couples restaurant in New York.

And the dishes are expensive. When she chose to book here, she felt painful for a long time.

Logically speaking, it shouldn't be too bad, right?


Huo De forced a smile and shook his head:"I just thought of something not so good."

"That's good. I thought you didn't like it here.

Gwen patted her chest and breathed a sigh of relief.

I thought Hood didn't like it...

"How could that be? As long as I have dinner with you, I'll be happy no matter where it is."

Hodder held Gwen's hand tightly and looked at her with tender eyes.

When Gwen met Hodder's eyes, her cheeks flushed and her eyes could not help but evade.

Although she had clearly expressed her thoughts, she still felt extremely shy when facing Hodder's eyes.

After all, she had never had someone she liked before.

"Well, come in.……"

Gwen's voice was as soft as a mosquito, and she lowered her head and pulled Hood inside.

An eighteen-year-old girl is easy to be coaxed.

What's more, she is as white as paper.

Hood raised his head, and his helpless expression became firm.

Since you want to pursue excitement! You must carry it through to the end!

The table was booked by the window along the street, and you can just see the scenery of the forest park outside when you sit here.

The sky is slightly bright and red, and the setting sun is gradually setting.

Looking at the lake in the park, the rippling lake surface under the setting sun is crystal clear.

Passing travelers are facing the evening breeze, enjoying the brief comfort after get off work.

In the restaurant, the bands are performing BALLADEFOURADELINE elegantly.

The elegant music echoes in the restaurant.

"How is it here? The environment is pretty good!"

"I specially booked a seat here, the view is beautiful."

After Gwen sat down, she looked around curiously with her big eyes blinking, and asked excitedly.

She had indeed been in and out of many large and elegant occasions... but those were when she was fighting evil or saving people.

This was the first time she sat in such a restaurant like this.

"Dear Madam and Sir, here is the menu.

The waiter in a tuxedo stood aside with the menu in his hand.

"Ladies first."

Hodder nodded slightly with a smile on his face.


Gwen took the menu and took a deep look at Hood who was looking at his phone.

The more she understood Hood, the more surprises he brought her.

He was obviously an excellent person in all aspects, but he was still so humble and gentlemanly.

Facing Gwen's gaze, Hood just smiled.

He couldn't care about these things at all now, his attention was on his phone

【[Wanda]: I'll go to St. Is to wait for you. Remember to come early. I've reserved a seat by the window.

Although Hood's face was very calm, his fingers couldn't help tapping on the table.

He really didn't expect Wanda to come early.

He couldn't imagine what sparks would fly if Gwen and Wanda met.

And he noticed as soon as he came in that this was a couple's restaurant.

It would be difficult even to explain.

And what's worse is that this also has a seat by the window.

If she knows that he agreed to a date with her and also made an appointment with other girls, she will definitely be furious!

Thinking of this, he had a headache. Do girls nowadays like to eat in the same place?

"Do you want to try the vegetarian soup and apple and carrot stew in this restaurant? The reviews online say that the taste is better than in Italy."

Gwen opened the menu and handed it to Hood, asking with a hopeful look.

This is a European-style restaurant with a variety of European dishes, mainly Italian and German.

She wanted to eat here before, but she couldn't bear to do it, so she also wanted to try this dish.

"I think it should be good. I like everything you like."

Hodder's mind was spinning rapidly as he spoke to Gwen.

"You are so nice!"

Gwen looked at Hood who was smiling and nodding, and her heart warmed.

This was completely in line with her thoughts.

The more this was the case, the more moved she was.

However, she did not notice that Hood's eyes were not on the menu at all.

Now Hood has been thinking about how to avoid the two of them meeting as much as possible.

After ordering, a blond waiter soon brought the dishes up.

"Please enjoy your meal!"

After saying this, the waiter did not forget to light the candle in the middle before stepping back and leaving.

"Come and try it."

Gwen looked at the delicious food with shining eyes.

She loved trying all kinds of delicious food.


Hod smiled and nodded, temporarily putting Wanda's matter behind him.

It's still some time before Wanda comes, so we can only deal with it as it comes!

Hod took a sip of the milky vegetable soup in front of him.

The aroma was rich and complex, blending the freshness of fresh vegetables, the spiciness of spices, and the mellowness of cream.

When you take the first bite, the smooth texture and rich layers of the soup unfold on the tip of your tongue.

In the slight chill of autumn, after drinking it, you will feel warm all over.

"How is it?"

Gwen clenched her hands and waited for Hord's evaluation.

"Well, very good, the chef must be from Italy!"

Hodder nodded slowly and gave his evaluation

"That's good, it seems this restaurant is really good!"

Gwen breathed a sigh of relief. She always thought that a wealthy man like Hood must have very picky tastes.

But it seems that he is not the kind of spoiled person.


At this moment, Huo De changed the subject.

"But what?"

Gwen's heart, which had been at ease, suddenly lifted up at this moment.

"But it's not as good as mine."

Hodder was not kidding when he said this. He has system rewards.

His cooking skills are also top-notch. He can even tell how much seasoning the other person has used by just taking a sip of the food with his tongue.

"Can you cook?"

Gwen never thought that Hood could actually cook.

He was already so talented, but he didn’t even lose his life skills.

"Naturally, I am very precise about seasonings, for example, this dish uses hand-ground black pepper and parsley......."

Huo De was serious and began to explain how to cook well.......

【Ding! You tasted the best vegetable soup!】

【Get reward: Master cooking skills! 】

It's good to have a system!

However, Gwen listened very carefully and stared at Hood.

The slightly swaying candlelight illuminated Hood's handsome face.

Hood's serious explanation made Gwen's eyes stare straight.

She didn't even notice what Hood was saying, but just nodded subconsciously.

For her, serious boys are really handsome.

Especially those who know everything but never have any arrogance.

"If I could really be with him, I would definitely be very happy, right?"

Gwen's mind suddenly popped up a picture of the two of them together.

Thinking of this, her cheeks couldn't help but get slightly hot.

This was the first time she felt inferior.

Although she was very powerful, she was far behind Hood.

"Why is your face so red?"

Hod found Gwen in a daze and subconsciously touched her face.

The moment he touched her face, Gwen suddenly came back to her senses.

She felt the warmth on her face, and her heartbeat accelerated instantly. She could even hear her own heartbeat.

"have......Is that so?"

Gwen shook her head quickly, her eyes panicking:"Maybe the vegetable soup is too hot!"

"I thought you were drinking behind my back."

Hodder didn't expose Gwen's lie, and said with a smile:"It's a pity that I have to drive later and can't order any wine."


Gwen's voice was as soft as a mosquito.

She was at a loss at this moment.

"No, Gwen Stacy, how can you be so weak?"

"Watch it if you want!"

"Didn’t you take the initiative to hug him and even kiss him! ?"

"Even if I go... it doesn't matter if I go!"

Gwen encouraged herself frantically, but the more she thought about going down, the more confused her mind became.

Suddenly, a familiar voice came from the direction of the store entrance:"Hodder."

This familiar voice was cold and charming at the same time.......

Hod looked up suddenly and saw a woman in a scarlet windbreaker standing at the front desk.

Even with a mask on, he could still recognize that it was Wanda!

That windbreaker and that figure were so recognizable!......

【PS: I beg for flowers, evaluation tickets, and monthly tickets to support me!!!! ]

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