"The name I reserved is Hod Fernandez."

At the front desk, Wanda took out her phone and showed the screen to the waiter.

However, she did not notice that there was a gaze focused on her.

"Why is she here?"

Hodder was a little embarrassed. If Wanda looked over here, she would definitely see him and Gwen. He couldn't imagine what the scene would be like. Wanda would definitely get mad.

After all, it was fine for them to date two people at the same time, but in the same restaurant!

"No, no, think of a solution quickly!"

"Just go, it's not polite to Wanda"

"Tiger charm? No, this thing will split your personality into two!"

He really didn't expect it to be so fast. It took only more than ten minutes for him to come.

There is still more than half an hour before the meal starts!

At this time, the waiter took Wanda to the stairs.

From the looks of it, it should be a private room. Hood's hanging heart finally let go.

This is also in line with Wanda's personality, and as a celebrity, it is impossible for Wanda to eat in public.

""Hodder, is someone calling you?"

Gwen noticed that Hodder's eyes were always on the back of her.

She turned her head and was about to look behind her.!!!

At this moment, Hodder's scalp suddenly went numb. If Gwen saw Wanda now, she would most likely say hello!

He knew that Gwen's idol was Wanda, and he would be really furious once he saw her.

At this critical moment, Hodder held Gwen's face with both hands.

The two looked into each other's eyes.

This sudden action made Gwen stop her movements, and even her heartbeat almost stopped when she looked at the approaching face.

This, this, this...

She never expected that Hood would suddenly come over.

Although this is a couple's restaurant, she has never been in a relationship before.

Her cheeks turned red in an instant.

Is he going to kiss her suddenly? Should she respond or be reserved?!

Because of the big movement, even the table creaked.

At the same time, Wanda, who was about to go up the stairs, heard the sound coming from not far away.

She looked over there with a puzzled look.

"Close your eyes!"

Hodder was not panicked at all, and stroked the girl's eyes with one hand.


Gwen was stunned, her heartbeat accelerated, is this... is he going to kiss me?!

She slowly closed her eyes, even raised her chin slightly. She put on a look of waiting for you to pick her.

At this moment, a green light emanated from the palm of Hood's right hand.

A snake flashed in his palm, and he instantly became invisible.

At this time, Wanda looked back and saw only a beautiful girl with her eyes closed.

She didn't care too much, shook her head and walked upstairs.

When Wanda turned around.

Hood instantly lifted the invisibility and breathed a sigh of relief.

He gently touched Gwen's eyelids and then sat back in her seat.

Gwen didn't feel Hood's kiss for a long time. She only felt the touch on her eyelids and opened her eyes in confusion.

"There is hair on your eyelid, I helped you take it off."

Huo De pretended to be calm and said, and did not forget to throw the missing hair on the ground


Gwen heard this, but she didn't know why she felt a little lost.

"You, are you thinking about something wrong?"

Hodder grinned and said jokingly

"No way! Only you would think that way!"

Gwen's face flushed. Hood actually said what he was thinking.


Huo De shook his head:"I'm thinking about what dishes I should cook to entertain you when you come to my house."


This instantly attracted Gwen's attention:"German cuisine, I like it very much, but I want to try your cooking myself."

"How about I treat you to some German sausages?"

Hodder smiled wickedly,"That's the specialty of Bratwirth."

"Big sausage?"

Gwen pouted and thought hard:"Do you have this dish? I can try it!" She turned her eyes to Hood's face. She always felt that Hood's expression was not right, and it always felt bad.

She didn't care too much. If it was Hood's, it should be delicious!

The two chatted happily for another ten minutes.

"Oh, I remember I have a meeting tonight."

Hodder glanced at his watch and looked at Gwen with a slightly apologetic look:"I'm afraid this is all we can do tonight."

"Well, I have to go to class tomorrow too."

Gwen could only nod. Although she wanted to stay together, she knew the importance of career to a man.

""Let's go!"

Hodder took Gwen's hand and walked out naturally.

When leaving the restaurant, he walked under the eaves for a while to avoid the sight of the upstairs.

After arriving at the parking lot, Hodder drove Gwen downstairs.

"I'm going back."

Gwen stood in front of Hodder and spoke reluctantly.

"Well, go back and have a good chat with your father, he must miss you a lot."

Hodder nodded quickly. It was getting late now, so he had to go back quickly.

"You...if you have time, remember to look for me."

The next second, Gwen hugged Hood's waist and put her head on Hood's chest.

After a while, she ran upstairs with a red face.

"It's finally over."

Huo De felt the remaining warmth in his arms and let out a long sigh.

【Ding! Your relationship with Gwen is heating up!】

【Get reward: Shadow Corps - Ninja Corps!】

【Shadow Corps - Ninja Corps]: You can summon the Ninja Corps from the Shadow Corps, and they obey the summoner completely!

"It's the Black Shadow Army?!"

Hodder was extremely surprised. He never expected to get such a reward.

It seems that little Gwen will become his lucky star.

Ding Dong!

At this moment, Hodder's phone vibrated slightly.

【Wanda]: Are you almost there?

"Damn, I'm going to be late!"

Looking at the time, Hod's mouth twitched slightly.

【Huo De]: There's a little traffic on the road, we'll be there soon!

Huo De hurried back to the car and rushed to the restaurant quickly.

"Ten past eight."

After getting off the car, Hood glanced at the time and shook his head helplessly.

It seemed that his time management skills were not up to par, otherwise he should have been able to catch up.

After tidying up his clothes, Hood walked into the restaurant.

The waiter standing inside was stunned when he saw Hood coming in.

How could the guest come back after just leaving?

Hood ignored the waiter and went straight to the second floor.

The moment he opened the door, he saw Wanda sitting by the window in a crimson dress.

"Is there a traffic jam on the road?"

"If I had known I would have asked you out this afternoon, you must be very tired after driving for such a long time."

Wanda saw Hod and pulled the stool next to her, with a look of heartache in her eyes.

"For having dinner with you, a little traffic jam is nothing."

Hod shook his head slightly, and sat down next to Wanda without blushing or beating his heart.

"Isn't the scenery here beautiful?"

Wanda, who was beside him, waited for Hood to sit down and suddenly held his hand.

When she held Hood's hand, the corners of her mouth couldn't help but rise.

At this moment, she felt that it was great to have a loved one.

"Well, the scenery is beautiful."

Hodder nodded, but unfortunately he had already seen it once.

"Every time I pass by here, I hope someone can accompany me to appreciate it."

Wanda said as she leaned her head on Hood's shoulder, but the next moment she widened her eyes:"Why do you smell like a girl's perfume?"

She clearly smelled perfume from Hood, and it was not a male perfume.

Oh no!

Hood's heart stopped beating instantly. He had just hugged Gwen, and the perfume smelled on him.

He himself did not expect that Wanda would take the initiative to approach him tonight.

"I was in such a hurry just now that I bumped into a girl by accident. It must be the smell on her body."

Hode forced himself to calm down and said casually


Wanda did not doubt it, but said:"Don't be so anxious next time, I can wait for you."


The blond waitress pushed open the door of the private room:"You two, your dishes are ready."

But when she looked up and saw Hood, she was stunned.

Isn't this the customer who came in a hurry just now?!

When she saw Hood and Wanda leaning against each other, her eyes widened instantly.

Hood suddenly felt that something was wrong.

Is it over yet? She really wants to see the Scarlet Witch appear, right!

""Okay, hurry up and serve the other dishes."

He waved his hand and urged,"Don't let it slip out later!"

But before the young lady left, she still left a meaningful look.

""Hod, what's wrong with you today? You seem a little strange."

Wanda was keenly aware that something was wrong with Hod.

Especially since she possessed chaos magic, she was more sensitive to the fluctuations of the mind..............

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