"I just think I shouldn't be late for work."

Hod held Wanda's hand tightly and looked into her eyes affectionately.

"It's okay, it's normal to have things to do... I'm glad you can come."

Wanda looked into Hood's eyes, and her doubts disappeared without a trace at this moment.

After all, Hood was so mysterious, it was normal for him to have things to do.

"Cheers, don't think about it, I hope you can get rid of those damn public opinions!"

Hodder raised his glass.


Wanda picked up the wine glass with a smile. She hadn't been so happy for a long time.

After a few glasses of wine

"Well... Actually, I have one more thing to do tonight besides inviting you to dinner."

Wanda's cheeks were rosy, her eyes were hazy and glowed with a faint scarlet light, and she stared at Hord with charm.

She really had too many things to say in her heart.

"What's the matter?"

Hodder put down the red wine glass with a puzzled expression and turned to look at Wanda.

When their eyes met, his heartbeat suddenly accelerated when he looked at that charming face.

Wanda drank some wine, and her fair face looked like her code name, Scarlet, covered with a layer of pink, with an indescribable charm.

For a moment.

The air in the box was filled with the smell of hormones, and the eyes of the two were entangled and twisted.

No one's eyes separated first, and everything around seemed to be quiet.

"you......What do you want to say?"

Hodder's Adam's apple rolled and he repeated it again.

He looked into the witch's melancholy eyes. Under the faint orange light, her face seemed to be covered with a veil, which made people unable to resist further uncovering it.

I don't know if it was because Wanda's body temperature rose, but the smell of perfume on her body became stronger at this time. The smell of tuberose mixed with the aroma of wine came to his face.


Wanda opened her lips and tried to speak several times, but she couldn't.

She wanted to express her feelings, but at this moment she felt fear.

Because although they said that everything that should have happened had happened, it was progressing too fast.

"Ahem...it's not a big deal."

Wanda finally backed off. She was still afraid. She was the first time she felt love.

When facing love, she was just a little girl after all. She didn't even know how to speak.

And the closer she got, the faster her heart beat.

"You can tell me anything you want to say."

Hodder held Wanda's hand and said firmly,"No matter what it is, I will stand firmly by your side."

He could see that Wanda did have something to say, but she might not have said it because of her inferiority complex.


Facing the gentle and considerate Hood, Wanda shook her head:"Really not."

Only she knew what she was worried about.

She didn't know what the relationship between the two of them was.

Although those things happened, the relationship was still not confirmed.

She didn't know if Hood would leave her after she expressed her love.

Just thinking about it made her feel terrified.

The person she trusted the most now was Hood. If Hood left her.

She couldn't imagine how painful it would be, but if she didn't speak up, she could keep going.

Even if.........Even if they would always maintain this shameful relationship.

It was also for this reason that she never told the Avengers about Hood's identity.

Because she didn't know how to tell others about Hood's identity.

"How about we go back and talk?"

Hodder looked at Wanda, who was salivating with desire, and was already a little bit overwhelmed with urge. He had been teased so many times today, and he was alone.

A woman with fair skin, a perfect figure, and a rosy face was right in front of him, not only did she not say anything, but she kept taking deep breaths....

With every deep breath, Hood could feel the hot breath hitting his skin.

He couldn't help but take a look at the abyss-like ravine.

Wanda probably didn't know how good her figure was, and she even wore a red dress.

Looking at the edge with a little crimson lace, he felt his blood boiling.

Any man with normal function would find it difficult to resist the temptation at this moment.

""You're not allowed to leave!"

Wanda pouted and shook her head.

Wine is strong in the first place, and the alcohol was already rising at this time.

She didn't want Hood to go back like this, she wanted to stay with Hood.

Wanda was obviously really drunk.

Every word and action had the unique flavor of being drunk.


Huo De took a deep breath, but the fragrance that poured into his lungs made him even more intoxicated.

"Can't you have a few drinks with me?"

Wanda hugged Hood's right hand, and suddenly a soft feeling came.

She leaned against Hood and kept acting coquettishly, and her voice became extremely charming at this time.

Hood suddenly found that Wanda after drinking was completely different from two people.

The last time she was drunk, it was almost the same.

One was melancholy but well-behaved.

The other was melancholy but a little crazy.

When she was about to shake, the suspenders of the red dress slid down her shoulders.

The white and tender shoulders had an extremely perfect shape.

Because of the large amplitude of the movement, Hood could even see the snow-capped mountains held by the lava.

This perfect snow-capped mountain and lava are like the most beautiful scenery in the world.

Under the movement of the lava, even the snow-capped mountains are constantly shaking at this time.

It must be said that Wanda's figure is relatively thin, but she is indescribably plump.

Just looking at this made Hood's breathing become heavier and heavier.

He could even feel that Kunbang had undergone a huge change.


Wanda poked Hord's cheek with her fingertips, and then lay directly on the table.

Wanda, who was drunk now, unbuttoned her windbreaker, and the thin lining inside supported the milky white snow.

She lay on the table with a bit of playfulness.

"Wanda, sit down."

Hodder looked at this seductive look and pulled her back with a heavy breath.

"No, I like to drink while lying down."

Wanda waved her hand, took the bottle, and poured it into her mouth without hesitation.


Because she was lying down, the moment she drank it, it spurted out.

The scarlet wine slid down her neck, and for a moment even the lining was wet.

"Depend on……"

Hod really couldn't help it.

This was simply challenging his resistance.

He was not Liu Xiahui!

Legend has it that the more powerful a witch is, the more beautiful she is, full of charm, attracting you everywhere.

Wanda Maximoff is the legendary witch.

Sometimes, even unintentional actions can lead people to commit crimes!

"Let's go back!"

Hod put Wanda's hand on his shoulder and prepared to help Wanda back.


Wanda shook her head. She didn't want to go back to the room.

She enjoyed being next to Hood.

Only by being next to Hood could she do whatever she wanted.

"What do you want to do to make you willing to go back?"

Hodder looked at Wanda who was drunk and shook his head helplessly.


Wanda forced herself to stand up straight with her weak legs and put her hands on Hord's shoulders:"You said you like......"

But before she could finish her words, she lost her balance and Wanda fell directly on Hord's chest.


It came at him.

He was dribbling the ball and hitting someone!

It was a foul!

He couldn't stand it anymore!

Hood raised his right hand in the air.

It was the first time that he used the power of the Phoenix so smoothly.


The door of the box was locked with a snap.

"Today I must show you the power of the Ox Talisman, the Monkey Talisman and the Rabbit Talisman!"...................Dividing line.................... ps: Brothers, if you think it's good, please give the author some free flowers. I will be very grateful. If one person gives me flowers, no matter how many flowers I give, I will add another chapter.

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