The next day, on the clean and comfortable big bed, the white body stretched out to its heart's content.

The sun was shining brightly outside, and the room was filled with spring light.


Wanda's eyelashes trembled slightly, and she slowly opened her eyes.

Her whole body felt like it was falling apart, and a feeling of soreness, pain, and comfort spread throughout her body.


Wanda looked up and looked around the room:"Inside Hood's room?"

She knew at a glance that this was Hood's room.

When she saw the mess scattered all over the floor, she couldn't help rubbing her temples.

Although she had prepared herself mentally yesterday, she didn't expect to actually come to Hood's room.

"I remember that after I drank yesterday,……"

When she thought of what happened yesterday, her face instantly turned red.

Although she had thought that something exciting would happen, this was too exciting!

Just thinking about it made her want to cover her face with something.

"It's so embarrassing!"

"I was drunk, and Hood didn't stop me!"

When she thought of this, she couldn't help but want to kick Hood.

That place didn't even stop her, and it chose the scene randomly, right?

"But where is that guy?"

Wanda rubbed her sore waist and gritted her teeth.

This guy was so hateful that she wanted to pinch Hood.

But no matter how she looked, there was no sign of Hood in the room.

"Could it be that he went out for something urgent?"

Wanda shook her head. After all, in her eyes, it was normal for Hood to deal with many things every day.

Thinking of this, she supported her extremely tired body and got up to take a shower.

She didn't dare to think about what kind of torture she had experienced last night to be so tired. After a busy night, her body was already sticky. Wanda came to the bathroom door with her body without a trace of fat and pulled the door. As soon as it was opened, a thick fog came over her face.


Wanda looked at the empty bathroom and couldn't help muttering.

Now many people's bathrooms have installed steaming equipment, so Wanda was not very surprised.

"Forget it."

Wanda shook her head. Just as she walked in and was about to close the door, a figure came up from behind the door.

She instantly recognized that the man was Hord.

"I didn't expect that the little witch actually had a hobby of peeking at other people washing"

"There is a price to pay for breaking into the bathroom casually!"Hodder's voice was low and very attractive just by listening to it.

"I......I didn’t."

Wanda’s heartbeat accelerated, and she felt a burning sensation on her back.

"How did you get in? Haven't you had breakfast yet? Let me give you breakfast!"

Hood grinned and got closer, and could even feel his breath.

Wanda met Hood's eyes, and her expression suddenly became extremely panicked.

She didn't even know where to look, and she just met Hood's burning gaze.

"What breakfast? I don't want to eat breakfast."

Wanda's face flushed and she shook her head repeatedly. She wanted to push him out but was pushed against the wall.

Hood raised a playful smile and said,"If you are hungry, tell me. It's really rude to just rush in."......"

"who...hungry......Don't talk nonsense......."

Wanda's earlobes were dyed red, and she looked like a completely different person from when she was drunk.

But the more this happened, the happier Hod was. After all, even if you play League of Legends, you need to change the map occasionally!

He was naturally very happy when he changed the map.

"If you are not hungry, why did you push the door open directly? Can't you knock?"

Hod looked at the snow mountain relentlessly, with ill intentions in his eyes.

Since there is meat delivered to the door, as a wolf, he will not let it go.

Especially he can smell the meaty aroma coming from the meat.

Under the lingering white mist.

That beautiful face that can be domineering or sweet, shyly blushed and tender, charming and attractive.

A pair of wet eyes, deep and moist.

She has just woken up and has a clear and pure look, and a kind of charm.

The corners of her eyes are still tinged with seductive red. Maybe she is nervous at this time, and the corners of her charming lips are trembling

"I'm going out first.……"

Wanda tried to push Hood away. After all, she was very tired.

She didn't want to continue. Fighting required a lot of effort.

Although Hood was the main fighting force, the effect of force was relative.

"You don't want to wash up?"

Hodder grabbed Wanda's wrist.

As a gentleman, he must urge others to pay attention to cleanliness.

"Do you want me to die?"

Wanda panicked.

What a joke!

Yesterday was too crazy.

Still coming?!

She couldn't help biting her lips.


I have to say that Hood's figure is no joke.

His abdominal muscles are well-defined and very strong.

"No, there are actually many places where it can be used."

Hodder raised a wicked smile

"What do you mean?"

Wanda was stunned when she heard this, and her head didn't turn around.

Just as the witch was stunned.

Hord reached out his big hand and touched the corner of her lips.

Woo woo woo........


After a long time, in the restaurant.

At the table, Hood looked at Wanda across from him.

Wanda touched her rosy lips, tears glistened in the corners of her clear eyes, her pink and rosy face was charming and seductive.

It was so embarrassing!

"Come, you must be hungry!"

Hodder handed over a cup of freshly heated pure milk with a wicked smile.


Wanda felt sick and almost died directly from dry mouth. There was no taste at all.

"If you don't want it, forget it. There is a country that emphasizes like nourishing like, so I have to nourish myself!"

Hodder drank the pure milk in the cup.

Wanda looked at Hodder's expression and knew that he must have done it on purpose.

She dared not look directly at pure milk in the future.

"Okay, no more jokes, I'll be more careful next time."

Hodder stood up and rubbed Wanda's little head, smiling and saying

"There won't be a next time. You can come by yourself next time......."

Wanda was ashamed and angry.

This guy was actually thinking about the next time! If she did such a dirty thing once, she would regret it for the rest of her life!

At this time, the servant came over and said,"Sir, there are two middle-aged men in costumes outside who want to see you."


Hodder asked with a puzzled look on his face.

In costume?

He didn't seem to have invested in any movies.


He couldn't remember. After all, he had so many businesses under his control, and it was impossible for him to manage them every day.

"He claims to be Doctor Strange."

The servant said in a puzzled tone

"It turns out he's a magician, let him in."

Hodder was surprised at how this guy came here.

What did Doctor Strange want him to do? To accept him as a disciple?

He didn't want to go to Kamar-Taj to be a wizard, and let him practice all day, not go out, and not get involved in the secular world.

He might as well die!...................Dividing line.................... ps: Brothers, if you think it's good, please give the author some free flowers. I will be very grateful. If one person gives me flowers, no matter how many flowers I give, I will add another chapter.

【The data is increasing very slowly. I hope you guys can support me by giving me some data. I will add more chapters before this book goes on sale. Once it goes on sale, I will directly update 50,000 words, with a minimum of 20,000 words a day!!! ]

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